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August 31, 1962

Speech by Senator Keating, "Soviet Activities in Cuba"

Keating alleges that the Soviet Union is building "rocket installations" in Cuba and urges President Kennedy to take action.

October 10, 1962

Speech by Senator Keating, "Cuba"

Keating alleges that there are six IRBM bases being constructed by the Soviet Union in Cuba.

May 12, 1963

Telegram from the Indian Ambassador to Mexico, 'Cuba After the Crisis'

The ambassador describes the domestic situation in Cuba and what it is like in Havana specifically in detail. He recounts a meeting with Foreign Minister Raul Roa.

December 31, 1946

Telegram from Washington to New Delhi, 'Your telegram No. 10826 dated December 23'

Possibility of food cooperation between India and Cuba

December 31, 1946

Telegram from Washington to New Delhi, 'Question of Dispatching of Goodwill Mission to Latin American Countries'

This report describes the food crisis in India and suggests the dispatch of a goodwill mission to Latin American countries

May 30, 1967

Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (CPCz), Record of Conversation between Head of the International Department of the CPCz Central Committee and Member of the Central Committee of the Bolivian Communist Party, Aldo Flores, Prague

The head of CPCz’s international department and Aldo Flores, a member of the PCB Central Committee discuss Cuban-sponsored guerrilla warfare in Bolivia. Flores described several years of close collaboration between the Bolivian and Cuban communist parties for the training of guerrilla groups in Bolivia, which had recently gone awry as "Cuban officials built their own organization in Bolivia, composed entirely of their own people."

March 7, 1967

Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Record of Conversation with Secretary and Member of the Politboro of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Bolivia, Jorge Kolle, Prague

PCB Politburo member Jorge Kolle Cueto asks on 7 March 1967 to inform the Czechoslovak Communist Party, "on behalf of the CC of the Bolivian CP," regarding "the situation in Bolivia… and his recent meeting with Fidel Castro." After four pages of discussion regarding the depressing internal political situation under 1964 coup leader, General René Barrientos, Kolle announced that "the party must necessarily prepare for the possibility of armed struggle in order to participate in the attempt to overthrow the current regime together with other leftist forces."

May 21, 1963

Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Record of Conversation with First Secretary of the Communist Party of Bolivia, Mario Monje, Prague

In a conversation with the head of the CPCz international department in May 1963, PCB First Secretary Mario Monje reveals the extent of his party’s modus vivendi with Paz Estenssoro’s governing Revolutionary Nationalist Movement (MNR). According to Monje, the Bolivian president was "heavily involved" with Operation Matraca, an ongoing Cuban-sponsored guerrilla operation targeting the military governing in neighboring Peru.

October 24, 1980

Telegram from the Hungarian Embassy in Pyongyang, 'KWP’s 6th Congress'

The Hungarian Embassy in Pyongyang comments on the responses of Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba, and Poland to the KWP's 6th Congress.

February 15, 1972

Report from Etre Sándor, 'Foreign visits of the DPRK’s governmental delegations. Visit of Comrade Pak Seong-cheol to Hungary'

A report by Etre Sandor providing details about five North Korean governmental delegations to Africa and Middle East and the visit of Pak Seong-cheol to Hungary.
