Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Central America and Caribbean
North America
1926- 2016
Central Africa
South America
East Asia
1894- 1971
1913- 1989
1930- 2015
1915- 1998
September 12, 1984
General Konstantin Kurochkin was the head of the Soviet Military Mission in Angola; General Elio Avila was a senior member of the Cuban Military Mission in Angola.
August 12, 1984
General Polo Cintra Frías was the head of the Cuban Military Mission in Angola; General Valentin Varennikov was the third highest ranking officer of the Soviet Army.
August 1984
General Valentin Varennikov was the third highest ranking officer of the Soviet Army.
July 9, 1984
Postmortem by the Cuban defense ministry on the battle of Sumbe.
June 18, 1984
Jorge Risquet was Castro’s point man for Angola; General Konstantin Kurochkin was the head of the Soviet Military Mission in Angola; José Eduardo dos Santos was the president of Angola.
June 6, 1984
Jorge Risquet was Castro’s point man for Angola; General Polo Cintra Frías was the head of the Cuban Military Mission in Angola; General Konstantin Kurochkin was the head of the Soviet Military Mission in Angola.
March 29, 1984
General Víctor Schueg of the Ministry of Defense in Havana and General Elio Avila Trujillo of the Cuban Military Mission in Angola discuss the 25 March battle of Sumbe in Angola.
February 8, 1984
Cuban general Abelardo Colomé followed Angolan affairs closely; General Ulises Rosales was Cuba’s first deputy defense minister; General Konstantin Kurochkin was the head of the Soviet Military Mission in Angola.
January 25, 1984
Jorge Risquet was Castro’s point man for Angola; General Valentin Varennikov was the third highest ranking officer of the Soviet Army.
January 10, 1984
Cuban general Abelardo Colomé followed Angolan affairs closely; Marshal Dmitri Ustinov was the Soviet minister of defense.