Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Central America and Caribbean
North America
1926- 2016
Central Africa
South America
East Asia
1894- 1971
1913- 1989
1930- 2015
1915- 1998
January 8, 1984
Petr Demichev was a nonvoting member of the Soviet Politburo.
January 7, 1984
José Eduardo dos Santos was the president of Angola.
December 29, 1983
General Polo Cintra Frías was the head of the Cuban Military Mission in Angola; General Ulises Rosales was Cuba's first deputy minister of defense.
December 9, 1983
The Cuban defense ministry’s analysis of the battle of Cangamba.
October 28, 1983
Protocol on Cuba's technical assistance to Angola.
September 20, 1983
August 18, 1983
Jorge Risquet was Castro’s point man for Angola; General Abelardo Colomé had been the head of the Cuban Military Mission in Angola in 1975-77; José Eduardo dos Santos was the president of Angola.
August 14, 1983
Raúl Castro was Cuba’s defense minister.
August 11, 1983
General Ulises Rosales was Cuba’s first deputy minister of defense; General Polo Cintra Frías was the head of the Cuban Military Mission in Angola.