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October 1977

Memorandum of Conversation between Levy Farah and Carlos Rocha (Dilolwa)

Levy Farah was a senior Cuban aid official; Carlos Rocha (code name Dilolwa) was a member of the political bureau of the MPLA.

September 23, 1977

Jorge Risquet to Fidel Castro

Jorge Risquet was the head of the Cuban Civilian Mission in Angola.

June 14, 1977

Memorandum, Raúl Castro to Fidel Castro

Raúl Castro was Cuba’s minister of defense.

April 1977

Abelardo Colomé to Senén Casas

General Abelardo Colomé was the head of the Cuban Military Mission in Angola; General Senén Casas was Cuba’s first deputy minister of defense.

March 23, 1977

Memorandum of Conversation between Fidel Castro and Agostinho Neto

Agostinho Neto was Angola's president.

March 1977

Cuban Intelligence Report on Ethiopia, 'Síntesis analítica sobre la revolución etiopica. Proposiciones'

Intelligence report on the situation in Ethiopia.

January 20, 1977

Senén Casas to Abelardo Colomé

General Senén Casas was Cuba’s first deputy minister of defense; General Abelardo Colomé was the head of the Cuban Military Mission in Angola.

July 13, 1976

Jorge Risquet to Fidel Castro

Jorge Risquet was the head of the Cuban Civilian Mission in Angola.

June 1976

Raúl Castro, Report on his Visit to Africa, 'Informe al Buró Político del Segundo Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba acerca de su visita... (19 de abril a 7 junio de 1976)'

Cuba’s minister of defense Raúl Castro reports on his visit to Angola, the USSR, Congo Brazzaville and Guinea Conakry, 19 April - 7 June 1976.

April 23, 1976

Raúl Castro, Report on Cuban Technical Assistance to Angola, 'Acerca de la necesidad de una masiva ayuda técnica (civil) a RPA'

Cuba’s minister of defense Raúl Castro recommends granting technical assistance to Angola.
