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September 3, 1964

From the Diary of A. I. Alekseyev, Record of a Conversation with Cuban Minister of Industry, Ernesto Guevara, 26 June 1964

Guevara discusses plans for malt production in Cuba, requiring a mill installation. This was going to be constructed in collaboration with the GDR, but plans have been delayed.

June 25, 1964

From the Diary of O. T. Darusenkov, Record of a Conversation with the Organizational Secretary of the National Leadership of the PURS, Emilio Aragones Navarro, 4 June 1964

Aragones discusses a recent speech by Che Guevara to young communists of the Ministry of Industry. He expresses a strong opinion that Guevara's speech was ultimately unclear and unsuccessful.

June 22, 1962

From the Diary of Ye. I. Pronskiy, Record of a Conversation with University of Havana Instructor, Anastacio Cruz Mancilla, 29 May 1964

Mancilla, instructor of many Cuban leadership members including Ernesto Che Guevara, Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, Augusto Martinez Sanchez, and other advisors of Dortico, evaluates the political and economic views of his (former) students. He focuses primarily on Guevara.

May 19, 1964

From the Diary of N. A. Belous, Record of a Conversation with a Member of the Editorial Board of the Magazine 'Cuba Socialista,' Fabio Grobart, 13 May 1964

Grobart discusses the question of potential attacks by counterrevolutionaries in Cuba. Prompted by further questioning, he discusses discrepancies and contradictions within the CPSU leadership, and controversy surrounding Che Guevara and his unique opinion on certain issues.

March 4, 1964

From the Diary of A. I. Alekseyev, Record of Conversations with Individual Cuban leaders about Fidel Castro’s Visit to the USSR, 8 February 1964

USSR Ambassador to Cuba, A.I. Alekseyev, briefly reports about Fidel Castro's recent visit to the Soviet Union, which is viewed by most as a success. Alekseyev also mentions several conversations with other Cuban leaders about Castro's visit.

March 4, 1964

From the Diary of A. I. Alekseyev, Record of Conversation with Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, Fidel Castro, 30 January 1964

Castro attends a demonstration of new Soviet machinery for sugar harvesting and makes suggestions for improvement. Members of the National Leadership of the Cuban Communist Party were also present.

February 28, 1964

Synopsis of Reference Material about a 'New Stage' of the Cuban Revolution, Compiled by the Embassy of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in Cuba

Cuban foreign and domestic policy is analyzed. Cuba's long-term economic improvement and international agreements regarding Cuban sugar exports are discussed, indicating a "new stage" of the Cuban revolution.

January 24, 1964

From the Diary of A. S. Anikin, Record of a Conversation with the Charge d’Affaires of the Polish People’s Republic in Cuba, Ye. Siurus, 6 January 1964

Siurus specifies how representatives of the Chinese embassy in Havana are spreading negative propaganda and the Soviet Union in Cuba. Trade negotiations with Poland and Cuban sugar exports to Britain are also discussed.

January 24, 1964

From the Diary of A. S. Anikin, Record of a Conversation with the Ambassador of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic to Cuba, Cde. Pavlicek, 4 January 1964

Pavlicek reports that Chinese representatives in Cuba have launched an anti-Soviet propaganda campaign, aimed towards all levels of the Cuban population. He mentions that many Cubans in favor of Chinese propaganda activity have expressed the opinion that China will support Cuban revolutionary activity in Latin America.

January 29, 1964

From the Diary of A. I. Alekseyev, Record of a Conversation with Ernesto Guevara, 25 December 1963

Guevara informs the Soviets that he has been falsely accused of being "pro-Chinese." They discuss certain differences between Guevara and Soviet officials in terms of approach to the Liberation Movement in Latin America. Guevara reports recent economic progress and economic development plans in Cuba.
