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October 27, 1962

Bulgarian Legation, Washington, to Bulgarian Foreign Ministry

The Bulgarian diplomatic mission (legation or embassy) to the US reported to the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sofia what actions the embassy executed and planned to execute to prevent seizure of documents during the "international situation," or Cuban Missile Crisis. Enclosed in the letter is an explanation of items destroyed and items placed under heightened security. The letter also includes information about security for the embassy staff.

October 29, 1962

Chief of Staff, 2nd Bulgarian Army, Order Regarding Raising Army Air Defense Combat Readiness

The commander of the Bulgarian 2nd Army, Colonel Alexiev, issued the order to prepare the Army's air defense for combat. Alexiev cites order N 00190/25.10.1962 issued four days prior to justify the heightened defense alert. The order includes six commands related to combat preparation and instructions for anti-aircraft units.

October 24, 1962

Chief of Staff, Bulgarian Navy, Order Regarding Naval Combat Readiness

The Chief of Staff of the Bulgarian Navy issued an order to prepare the Navy for mobilization, citing a Bulgarian government declaration about the Cuban missile crisis. The Chief of Staff's secret order includes 19 specific commands for preparation. Commands include orders regarding necessary supplies for combat readiness, repair schedules, deployment, arming vessels, radio communication, and increased surveillance, among others. The Chief of Staff order includes reporting requirements and specific dates for execution.

October 24, 1962

Message from the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry to the Cuban Embassy in Sofia

The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry sends respects to the Cuban Embassy in Sofia and states that "competent Bulgarian authorities have included the Republic of Cuba as a socialist country in the plan for 1963."

November 25, 1968

SED CC Department of International Relations, 'Note on a Conversation with Com. Carlos Rafael Rodriguez on 22 November 1968 at the Havana Airport'

SED CC Department of International Relations writes this note on a conversation with Com. Carlos Rafael Rodriguez on 22 November 1968 at the Havana Airport with Com. Egon Winkelmann. They discuss foreign relations between Cuba and the GDR.

November 27, 1968

Note on the Final Talk with the CP Cuba Delegation on 21 November 1968

A Note on the Final Talk with the CP Cuba Delegation on 21 November 1968 about Cuba's foreign relations with various countries, including the Soviet Union and GDR.

April 10, 1968

Comment by Defense Minister Marshal Andrei Gretchko to CPSU CC, 10 April 1968

A comment by Defense Minister Marshal Andrei Gretchko to the CPSU CC on 10 April 1968 regarding the Soviet Union's relations with Cuba. He says, "We provide all-sided aid to Cuba, including considerable military aid. Thousands of Soviet military specialists, i.e., officers, sergeants, and soldiers, are stationed in Cuba, protecting its security, training its forces. However, all of this does not meet with appropriate recognition on the part of the Cuban leaders."

April 9, 1968

Secret Speech by Leonid I. Brezhnev CPSU CC Plenum, 'About Current Problems of the International Situation and the Struggle of the CPSU for the Cohesion of the World Communist Movement'

An excerpt on Cuba from Communist Party of the Soviet Union General Secretary Leonid I. Brezhnev's secret speech, “About Current Problems of the International Situation and the Struggle of the CPSU for the Cohesion of the World Communist Movement,” to the CPSU CC Plenum on 9 April 1968.

January 31, 1968

SED CC Department of International Relations, 'Information on the Third Plenum of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party and on the Attacks of the Cuban Communist Party against the Socialist Unity Party of Germany'

The 3rd Plenum of the Cuban Communist Party took place in Havana on 24-26 January 1968. During the Plenum the decision of the Politburo of the CC was announced not to participate in the consultative meeting in Budapest. Fidel Castro held a 12-hour long speech.

January 31, 1962

Socialist Unity Party of Germany Central Committee (SED CC) Department of International Relations, 'Position on the publications about the Meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba [CPC]'

On 29 and 30 January 1968 the central organ of the Cuban CP, “Granma,” published the speech given by Comrade Raoul [Raúl] Castro, second secretary of the CC of the CPC, at the 3rd meeting of the CC (24-26 January 1968). In this speech, comrades from the CPSU, the SED, and the CPCz were directly attacked in connection with the measures of the CC against a “micro faction” and openly accused of conspiracy against the Cuban party leadership and of collaboration with the penalized Cuban comrades.
