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November 24, 1967

Memorandum of Conversation between Czechoslovak Communist Party official Vladimir Koucky and Cuban Communist Party official Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, Prague, 24 November 1967

Memorandum of Conversation between Czechoslovak Communist Party official Vladimir Koucky and Cuban Communist Party official Carlos Rafael Rodriguez that took place in Prague.

January 22, 1974

Hungarian Embassy in the DPRK, Telegram, 22 January 1974. Subject: Cuban-DPRK relations.

Establishment of North Korean-Cuban relations is the subject of this telegram. Among the issues discussed is an exchange of Cuban sugar for payment.

July 12, 1967

Kosygin’s Report on Trip to Cuba to Meeting of Communist Party First Secretaries, Budapest, Hungary, 12 July 1967

Meeting minutes from a conference of the Communist and Workers’ parties and chiefs of governments of the socialist countries on the situation in the Middle East (held in Budapest, 11-12 July 1967). Kosygin first reports on conversations with Charles De Gaulle in Paris and with Lyndon Johnson in Glassboro.

July 4, 1967

A Report from the Mexican Embassy in Havana, 4 July 1967

A visit of Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin from 26-30 June 1967 prompts this report from the Mexican Embassy in Havanna to the Secretary of Foreign Relations in Mexico City. They discuss: the position assumed by the Cuban Government and Communist Party in relation to Latin America, the Middle East and Vietnam, the internal administration of Cuba and the political operation in Cuba.

June 30, 1962

Record of Romanian Workers Party Politburo Discussion, 26 June 1963, re Nikita Khrushchev Visit to Romania

Shorthand record of the meeting of the Political Bureau of C.C. of R.W.P. (26 June 1963), after the visit of Nikita Khrushchev in Romania (24-25 June 1963).

December 8, 1962

Report on Talk between Nicolae Ceauşescu and Nikita Khrushchev, Moscow, 8 June 1963 (excerpt)

Ceauşescu was sent in the USSR by Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej to establish a meeting between Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej and Nikita Khrushchev. During the meeting, Nikita Khrushchev said to Nicolae Ceauşescu: “By sending missiles to Cuba, we ourselves put our head in a bind. I know comrade Gheorghiu-Dej was upset that I had not informed about sending missiles to Cuba. And he has been rightly upset."

December 25, 1962

Telegram from Polish Embassy in Moscow (Jaszczuk), 25 December 1962

Jaszczuk and Yuri Andropov discuss Poland's relations with the CPSU CC during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

December 18, 1962

Telegram from Polish Embassy in Moscow (Jaszczuk), 18 December 1962

Jaszczuk discusses Minister of Defense Marian Spychalski’s visit with Khrushchev and summarizes their discussion on Soviet missiles on Cuba and the Cuban issue.

November 30, 1962

Telegram from Polish Embassy in Washington (Drozniak), 30 November 1962

Drozniak reports on a conversation he had with Mikoyan about some diplomatic actions during the Cuban Missile Crisis between the Soviet Union, the United States and Cuba.

November 27, 1962

Minutes of Conversation with Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, President of the INRA

Unger and Rodriguez discuss a plethora of topics regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis.
