Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Central America and Caribbean
North America
1926- 2016
Central Africa
South America
East Asia
1894- 1971
1913- 1989
1930- 2015
1915- 1998
March 27, 1990
The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 27 March 1990 describes the latest developments in the Soviet Union, Colombia, Kuwait, OPEC, Afghanistan, Cuba, Guatemala and El Salvador.
July 3, 1991
The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 3 July 1991 describes the latest developments in Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union, Iraq, Israel, Peru, China, and Cuba.
August 12, 1989
The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 12 August 1989 describes the latest developments in Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Somalia, the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, South Africa, Ecuador, Namibia, and Cuba.
August 1, 1989
The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 1 August 1989 describes the latest developments in Lebanon, Cuba, Poland, the Soviet Union, Iran, China, Kuwait, and Afghanistan.
January 14, 1989
The CIA's National Intelligence Daily for 14 January 1989 covers developments in Afghanistan, France, Cuba, Lebanon, Syria, the Soviet Union, and China. Certain portions of the document are redacted due to b(1) and b(3) exemptions.
September 20, 1960
January 28, 1962
Kudryavstev and Fidel Castro discuss US intervention in Cuba and the positions of other OAS countries on supporting US interventionism in the wake of the upcoming OAS conference of ministers of foreign affairs.
January 11, 1962
Raul Castro discusses the enlargement of the Cuban army and navy and Cuba's aim to strengthen ties with Latin American countries in the wake of the upcoming OAS conference of ministers of foreign affairs.
December 18, 1961
Guevara discusses the state of the Cuban economy and the upcoming OAS conference of ministers of foreign affairs, particularly the US-led plan to diplomatically isolate Cuba within the OAS.
December 20, 1961
Castro discusses his thoughts on Kennedy's increased interest in the Organization of American States and suggests that the US is developing plans to intervene in Cuba via its allies in the OAS. He argues that any US intervention will be me with increased Latin American resistance.