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January 15, 1962

Memorandum from Mexican Federal Director of Security re Democratic Revolutionary Front (Cuban)

A memorandum informing that the Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front will be disbanding due to insufficient economic means. The Front, however, affirmed that it would continue to meet periodically to maintain a nucleus of resistance against Castro’s tyranny.

December 26, 1961

Memorandum from Mexican Federal Director of Security on 'Political Cuban Refugees'

The Mexican Federal Director of Security's concern regarding the Directors of the Cuban Revolutionary Council (formerly the Cuban Revolutionary Democratic Front), especially with their disorientation over the withdraw of the U.S. Embassy and the unsuccessful propaganda campaign against Fidel Castro. The Director believes this Council will dissolve soon.

October 27, 1962

Cable no. 326 from the Czechoslovak Embassy in Havana (Pavlíček)

The cable concerns a conversation between Vrana and Pinner the night before, about Castro's conviction of an impending invasion of Cuba by the United States and associated mercenaries. Prague is told if that event comes to pass, all classified documents in the embassy will be burned. Emergency measures are being prepared, and tensions are evidently high.

November 1, 1961

Information Memorandum of the Anti-Castro Cuban Émigré Forces (Mexico)

An informational memorandum regarding a report received from Guatemala describing the details of the next "imminent" invasion of Cuba (similar to the Bay of Pigs) and the mobilization of counter-revolutionary forces.

October 27, 1962

Report to CPCz General Secretary Antonin Novotný

The report to Novotny details the happenings of the Cuban Missile Crisis at that time. Great Britain feels out of the loop and hurt by not being consulted by the United States before it took action, while Kennedy is not backing down on the blockade until the missiles are removed. According to the message, it is unclear whether there are nuclear missiles in Cuba at all; an American army colonel admits to the UN that no traces have been found, despite hundreds of photographs taken. In Czechoslovakia, the situation is unchanged; troops are still on alert and awaiting combat orders, with morale running high. There are even some volunteers willing to go to Cuba and aid their Latin comrades.

October 23, 1962

Telegram from Mexican Embassy, Guatemala City

A telegram from the Mexican Embassy in Guatemala commenting on the speech made by U.S. President Kennedy. The Mexican Embassy says "President Kennedy’s speech tells us that the giant finally woke up and that it will abandon its paralysis and lack of foresight, for a state of arms at the ready and alertness. Guatemala in its great anticommunist majority is prepared as a democratic country to align with our brothers of America."

October 23, 1962

Telegram from Mexican Foreign Ministry to Mexican Embassy, Rio de Janeiro

A telegram from the Mexican Foreign Ministry to the Mexican Embassy in Brazil describing a United States resolution was approved. The resolution contains two fundamental points: that Soviet bases in Cuba will be dismantled, and that authorization was given for member states to adopt individual or collective measures including the use of armed force. The resolution was voted for in parts and Mexico, Brazil, and Bolivia abstained from voting on the second part. The impression of the Mexican Foreign Ministry is that the present international situation is of great seriousness.

October 25, 1962

Cable no. 323 from the Czechoslovak Embassy in Havana (Pavlíček)

The cable states Cuba has alerted its armed forces to maximum combat readiness. Cuba's government had already taken the precautions of arresting known counterrevolutionaries in all aspects of society, with all important factors monitored. General aura of the country is one of tenseness, but the people continue about their lives as normal. There is a sense of strong revolutionary unity in the wake of this blockade, especially after a speech given by Castro. Cable concludes with a message that the first Soviet ship arrived on the basis of not carrying any military hardware.

October 24, 1962

Cable no. 319 from the Czechoslovak Embassy in Havana (Vladimir Pavlíček)

This cable sent to Prague confirms the decision by President John F. Kennedy to blockade Cuba, based on talks between Cuban Foreign Minister Raul Roa and Soviet Ambassador to Cuba Aleksandr Alekseev. Despite no orders for the American warships to stop Soviet ships, Alekseev was preparing in anticipation for "dangerous provocations." Cuba canceled all PanAm flights, while at the same time allowing Czech and Soviet flights to proceed.

October 23, 1962

Memorandum of Telephone Conversation between Mexican Foreign Ministry official and Mexican Ambassador to Brazil

The Brazilian and Mexican diplomats to Cuba weigh in on their respective governments' opinions on the Cuban crisis and increasing U.S.-Cuban tensions.
