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November 1, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'The Cuban Foreign Trade Minister Expressed Thanks to China'

A conversation between Chargé d’Affaires Huang Wenyou and Cuban Foreign Trade Minister, Alberto Mora Becerra. They discussed China-Cuba relations (Chinese support of Cuba) and an incident in which Chinese comrades forced a Norwegian ship to go to Cuba.

November 1, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'A Cuban Leader Talked about the Situation (Continued)'

A conversation with Joaquín Ordoqui in which UN Secretary-General U Thant, the U-2 spy plane, US military preparation for war, and Cuba's need for political and economic aid were discussed.

November 2, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'The Problem of How to Express a Position on the Cuban-Soviet Relationship'

A request from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba to the Foreign Ministry office, asking advice on the position they should take in regards to the complex Soivet-Cuban relationship. The embassy suggests China support the speech made by Castro on 1 November 1962, but that otherwise discussions of Soviet-Cuban relations should not be discussed at Chinese initiative.

November 2, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union, 'The Soviet Union Continued a Reconciliatory Approach to the Cuban Problem'

A report from the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union about Soviet-Cuban relations in the build-up of US-Cuban tensions. According to this Chinese document, the Soviet's involvement is one of hopeful reconciliation in the Cuban problem.

November 2, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'The Situation of the American Blockade of Cuba'

A report from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba to the Military Intelligence Department describing the military situation of the US blockade of Cuba. It includes the US U-2 spy plane shot down and information regarding American troop and ship presence.

November 2, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'Reactions of Cuban Society to Fidel Castro’s Address'

A report from the Chinese Embassy in Havana describing the reactions to a speech made by Fidel Castro, in which he said Cuba would not trade for peace by making concessions to imperialism, and to the Chinese support of Cuba's position.

October 1964

The Polyansky Report on Khrushchev’s Mistakes in Foreign Policy, October 1964

Excerpt from a report prepared by Politiburo member Dmitry Polyansky on Khrushchev's foreign policy mistakes, presented at 14 October 1964 CPSU Central Committee plenum. Polyansky included a scathing denunciation of Khrushchev’s “adventurism” in sending the missiles to Cuba, causing the “deepest of crises [that] brought the world to the brink of a nuclear war.” Ridiculing Khrushchev’s claims of having achieved a successful “penetration” of Latin America, Polyansky dismissed his contention that the crisis had in fact ended with a Soviet victory.

November 5, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba, 'Report of the Conversation between Charge d’Affaires Huang Wenyou and Severo Aguirre del Cristo, Member of the National Leadership Committee of Cuban Integrated Revolutionary Organizations'

A report from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba to the Chinese Foreign Ministry of the Conversation between Charge d’Affaires Huang Wenyou and Severo Aguirre del Cristo, Member of the National Leadership Committee of Cuban Integrated Revolutionary Organizations about Cuban-Chinese relations and support.

November 5, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Instruction to Diplomatic Posts on How to Express Attitude in Response to Khrushchev’s Letters'

Instruction to from the Chinese Foreign Ministry to the Embassy in Yugoslavia (and all other embassies) asking them to avoid commenting directly on the exchange of letters between Kennedy and Khrushchev, but positively indicate China's support for Cuba’s struggle.

November 6, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Instruction on How to Express Positions Regarding the Cuba-Soviet Relationship'

Instructions from the Chinese Foreign Ministry to the Embassy in Cuba instructing them to indicate their support for Fidel Castro's November 1st speech, but advising "with respect to the Cuban-Soviet relationship, [you] should not speak but listen [zhiting bushuo]."
