Eastern Europe
(372) documents
Central America and Caribbean
North America
1926- 2016
Central Africa
South America
East Asia
1894- 1971
1913- 1989
1930- 2015
1915- 1998
November 2, 1962
Describes the domestic reaction in Moscow following the Cuban Blockade by the US. The cable discusses how the real sense of crisis had been widespread in society, and that after the crisis was over there was a sense of relief.
October 26, 1962
A description of the situation in Cuba due to the US blockade. The Japanese Embassy officials are discussing Cuban reactions as well as expectations of Soviet involvement.
October 24, 1962
A cable from the Foreign Minister Ohira to the Charges d'affaires ad interim Shigemitsu regarding the situation in Moscow over the Cuban blockade. The cable gives an overall report of the atmosphere in Moscow by describing the people and press gathered around the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.
December 14, 1962
Mongolian Ambassador in Moscow Luvsan and the visiting Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade Alberto Mora make plans for future trade negotiations between Mongolia and Cuba. They also discuss the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the effect of the US embargo on Cuba's trade relations with Latin American countries and the sale of its sugar harvest.
February 16, 1965
Record of a conversation with the Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK Comrade V.P. Moskovsky about the negotiations between the Soviet delegation, led by the USSR Council of Ministers Chairman Kosygin, and the governing body of the Korean Workers Party, which took place at the USSR Embassy in the DPRK on February 16, 1965.
November 28, 1962
Summary of comments made by Cuban Vice President Carlos Rafael Rodriguez on the Cuban Missile Crisis. Rodriguez criticizes the Soviet Union's decision to withdraw its missiles, questioning the Soviet commitment to the defense of Cuba.
January 7, 1963
Chen Yi and Subandrio discussed the following topics: Whether or not Subandrio should accompany Mrs. Bandaranaike to India, the defeat of the Indian 4th Infantry Division, Soviet blunders in the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Sino-Soviet split, and the Indonesian economic prospects.
Zhang informed Jeong Pung-gye of the details of the fighting along the Sino-Indian border as well as expressed support for Cuba regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis.
October 12, 1962
Shen Jian and Emilio Aragonés discussed the Sino-Indian border disputes, in which both questioned the attitude of the USSR toward India. The other talking points include the attitude of the socialist world toward Yugoslavia and the revolutionary movements in Latin America.
March 9, 1967
A report on a meeting between Kim Il Sung and the Cuban Ambassador in which the North Koreans criticize China, report on North Korea's relations with Cuba and Yugoslavia, and comment on nuclear nonproliferation.