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December 12, 1978

East German Record of Conversation with Fidel Castro after Tenth Interkit Meeting in Havana, December 1978

Short summary of an East German meeting with Fidel Castro. Castro discusses China and the recent Interkit meeting, as well as the issue of Cuban exiles in the United States.

September 3, 1989

Record of a Meeting in Berlin between Hermann Axe and Raul Castro Ruz

Record of a meeting in Berlin on 3 September 1989 between Hermann Axen, member of the Politburo and Secretary of the SED, and Cuban politician Raul Castro. Also present were Cuban politicians Juan Almeida Bosque, Vilma Espin and Carlos Aldana. Topics include US involvement in Panama and its effect on Latin America, internal problems with the Cuban government and acknowledgment that socialist governments in Eastern Europe were changing.

August 15, 1968

Report from the Bulgarian Ambassador in Havana, Stefan Petrov to Todor Zhivkov on the Domestic and Foreign Policy of Cuba

The ambassador gives an assessment of the Cuban domestic and foreign policy. He characterizes Fidel Castro as an adventurer and points to certain communist party decisions that are incompatible with the Marxist-Leninist doctrine.

November 11, 1962

Message from Raul Roa to the Cuban Ambassador to the United Nations Regarding Inspections

Cable coding number 731 from Raul Roa to the Cuban Ambassador to the United Nations. He expresses that his government opposes inspection and would like to find a permanent solution instead.

August 4, 1961

Secret Agreement Between Cuba and the USSR Regarding Exchange of Special Materials

Agreement between the Republic of Cuba and the USSR regarding a provision of special materials to Cuba and payment for these materials. Also attached are two lists enumerating supplies given to Cuba by the USSR.

September 30, 1961

Agreement and Lists to the Secret Agreement Between Cuba and the USSR

An agreement between Cuba and the USSR on the provision of special materials to Cuba and payment for these materials. Three annexes are included. Annex I: lists war materials provided by the USSR in 1961-2. 1/3 of the value paid. Annex II: lists materials in 1962-63. 2/3 of the value paid. AnnexIII: lists materials in 1962-3. Total value paid.

December 1961

Memorandum Regarding the Plan of Insurrection for the First Period of 1962

Intervention of Fidel Castro concerning the plan of insurrection of the Revolutionary Armed Forces for the first period of 1962.

December 1, 1962

Order Number 1 of the Commander of the Recolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba

Order number 1 of the Commander of the Revolutionary Armed Forces in 1962. This document is about combat, preparedness, and organization within the various units of the Armed Forces.

March 23, 1962

Letter to Comrade Brisuela

Letter written to Comrade Carlos C. Brisuela, a representative of the Cuban government. Two annexes are attached. These state that the USSR will provide to Cuba (in addition to the materials provided by the 30 Sept. 1961 agreement) the materials as specified in Annex I. Apart from the provision provided by Annex I, the USSR will provide materials in accordance with Annex II. In all other affairs, the parties are guided by the original Sept. 1961 agreement.

July 13, 1962

Secret Agreement July 13, 1962

Agreement with annexes between Cuba and the USSR. A memo from the USSR Council of Ministers allowing negotiations, and the signing of the protocol regarding special materials for the agreement between the USSR and Cuba.
