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February 3, 1990

USSR: Estonians Call for Independence Negotiations

An analysis of Estonian movements for independence.

February 1, 1990

USSR: Estonian Nationalism on the Rise

An analysis of growing Estonian nationalism and Communist efforts to bolster Party support.

January 30, 1990

USSR: Potential for Unrest Growing in Moldavia

An analysis of movements for autonomy in Moldavia and growing concern in Moscow.

January 19, 1990

USSR: Foreign Ministry Says Baltics to be Independent

An analysis of the Soviet Foreign Ministry's position to establish an eight-year transition period for Baltic states' independence and to refrain from using force.

December 16, 1989

USSR: Nationalists Gain in Latvian Elections

An analysis of Popular Front success in Latvian elections.

December 8, 1989

USSR: Lithuanian Decision Will Reverberate Widely

An analysis of the Lithuanian Supreme Soviet's decision to legalize a multiparty political system.

December 6, 1989

USSR: Baltic Republics Gain Limited Economic Autonomy

An analysis of the law adopted by the Supreme Soviet to give limited economic autonomy to the Baltic republics.

September 14, 1989

USSR: Baltic Parties Pressing Ahead

An analysis of the Baltic governments' actions despite Soviet Central Committee condemnation.

September 7, 1989

Special Analysis: USSR: The Option of Force in the Baltics

An analysis of the Soviet posture toward the Baltic's movements for greater autonomy.

August 27, 1989

Special Analysis: USSR: Balts to Mark 1939 Anniversary Tomorrow

An analysis of planned demonstrations in the Baltics and Soviet efforts to dampen local support for opposition movements.
