Eastern Europe
(372) documents
1931- 2022
North America
1931- 2007
1930- 2017
Western Europe
1924- 2018
1928- 2014
February 3, 1990
An analysis of Estonian movements for independence.
February 1, 1990
An analysis of growing Estonian nationalism and Communist efforts to bolster Party support.
January 30, 1990
An analysis of movements for autonomy in Moldavia and growing concern in Moscow.
January 19, 1990
An analysis of the Soviet Foreign Ministry's position to establish an eight-year transition period for Baltic states' independence and to refrain from using force.
December 16, 1989
An analysis of Popular Front success in Latvian elections.
December 8, 1989
An analysis of the Lithuanian Supreme Soviet's decision to legalize a multiparty political system.
December 6, 1989
An analysis of the law adopted by the Supreme Soviet to give limited economic autonomy to the Baltic republics.
September 14, 1989
An analysis of the Baltic governments' actions despite Soviet Central Committee condemnation.
September 7, 1989
An analysis of the Soviet posture toward the Baltic's movements for greater autonomy.
August 27, 1989
An analysis of planned demonstrations in the Baltics and Soviet efforts to dampen local support for opposition movements.