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July 26, 1985

Message to Secretary Shultz (Draft)

This draft message to Secretary of State Schultz from a Japanese government official summarizes a series of trips to countries in the Middle East and appeals to the United States to assist in obtaining peace in the Middle East.

July 28, 1990

National Intelligence Daily for Saturday, 28 July 1990

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 28 July 1990 describes the latest developments in Persian Gulf, Liberia, Bulgaria, the Soviet Union, Poland, Papua New Guinea, China, Zaire, OPEC, Haiti and South Africa.

October 2, 1990

National Intelligence Daily for Tuesday, 2 October 1990

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 2 October 1990 describes the latest developments in Iraq, Kuwait, Yugoslavia, Angola, the Soviet Union, Liberia and Thailand.

May 9, 1991

National Intelligence Daily for Thursday, 9 May 1991

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 9 May 1991 describes the latest developments in Iraq, Kuwait, Israel, Lebanon, the Soviet Union, India, Pakistan, Yemen, Cambodia, the United Nations and Panama.

October 24, 1989

National Intelligence Daily for Tuesday, 24 October 1989

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 24 October 1989 describes the latest developments in the Soviet Union, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, and Colombia.

September 30, 1989

National Intelligence Daily for Saturday, 30 September 1989

The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 30 September 1989, describes the latest developments in Lebanon, Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union, Philippines, the United States, Greece, Hungary, El Salvador, Panama, Thailand, and Nicaragua.

May 18, 1989

National Intelligence Daily for Thursday, 18 May 1989

The CIA's National Intelligence Daily for 18 May 1989 describes the latest developments in China, the Soviet Union, Ethiopia, Panama, El salvador, Venezuela, West Germany, Bolivia, Poland, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Philippines.

September 10, 1962

Letter, A. Stepunin to Comrade A.K. Narzikulov

The Soviet Societies of Friendship and Cultural Ties with Foreign Countries asks Tajikistan to nominate members for trips to the Middle East.

October 17, 1950

Jordanian-Saudi Rapprochement

Short document regarding reconciliation between the Jordanian and Saudi Kings.

July 14, 1950

Invitation to Visit Aramco

Letters to Chehab and an Aramco representative arranging a visit to Aramco for Chehab.
