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August 18, 1968

Text of letter from Chairman of the USSR Council of Minister A.N. Kosygin to the President of the USA, L. Johnson

Letter to Lyndon Johnson about setting a date for negotiations called the Soviet-American Negotiations on the Question of Curbing the Strategic Armaments Race.

September 2, 1974

MAE Report on Indian Nuclear Explosion

Report by Italy's delegation to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva on the impact on the NPT of the Indian nuclear explosion, on the problem of the credibility and adaptation of the treaty to the new international situation. Includes suggestions for proposals by the Italian government concerning how to update the Treaty.

August 3, 1965

Memo on Work of the Committee of the 18 on Nuclear Proliferation

Memo by CSMD A. Rossi on the resumption of the work of the Committee of the 18 in Geneva and the issue of non-dissemination nuclear weapons: summary of technical-military observations from SMD to MD of March 1964 on US proposal for declaration on non-dissemination, analysis on nuclear power guidelines and Non-nuclear countries; draft British and Canadian agreements presented to the Atlantic Council and reactions to alliance countries, statement Foreign Minister A. Fanfani to Geneva; US project of nuclear non-dissemination treaty, MAE instructions to amb. Cavalletti

September 20, 1968

MAE Memorandum, 'Conference of Non-Nuclear Countries'

Memo by MAE DAP on Non-nuclear countries conference held in Geneva. The paper addresses Italy's aims and discusses the need to deal with the potentially adverse impact of the NPT.

February 11, 1985

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'NATO Secretary General's visit in Rome (11th February 1985). US and Soviet space programs'

This note by the Italian Foreign Ministry provides an overview of issues to be discussed with Secretary General Lord Carrington during his visit to Rome. Of particular interest are the upcoming Geneva negotiations between the USSR and the US regarding SDI .

December 12, 1985

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'East-West relations'

This document analyzes East-West relations following the December 1985 meeting between Gorbachev and Reagan in Geneva. It discusses the new and more open foreign policy line of the Soviet Union, and underlines the important role of bilateral and multilateral diplomacy under the complex circumstances.

December 15, 1985

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Geneva negotiations - New Soviet proposals'

The document describes the propositions put forth by Soviet negotiators during the Geneva talks, and offers a preliminary analysis of the positive and the negative implications. The developments are not sufficient to expect an accord in the short term, but show a promising move away from "a dialogue of the deaf".

October 15, 1985

Memorandum by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Geneva negotiations - New Soviet proposals. An assessment'

A detailed evaluation of Soviet negotiation position vis-à-vis USA and Europe suggests that Moscow's willingness to agree on reductions and limitations does not meet Western needs. Gorbachev's doctrine seems to be in line with his predecessors, although increasing attention has been directed at Europe.

May 12, 1954

Letter, Preston Goodfellow to Syngman Rhee

Preston Goodfellow asks about Rhee's response to Colonel Mann's proposal on tungsten.

October 27, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'Ambassador Yao, Please Set an Appointment with Subandrio'

Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry responding to a previous cable sent by Ambassador Yao Zhongming, describing a discussion with Subandrio about a recent Chinese nuclear test. The Foreign Ministry suggests that Subandrio, by suggesting a that the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva should invite China, is collaborating with "imperialists and the revisionists in their conspiracy to oppose the nuclear test in China." The Ministry asks to set up an appointment with Subandrio to clearly express China's disagreement with his suggestion, including in the cable specific answers to the previous suggestions Subandrio made to Yao.
