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Return Address: Moscow, Issue 3

Bulletin by the Group for Establishing Trust Between the USSR and the USA, an independent peace organization in the Soviet Union. Three issues were editor Sergei Batovrin and published from New York City. They contain news on the peace movement in the Soviet Union and the harassment and imprisonment of activists by the government.


Return Address: Moscow, Issue 2

Bulletin by the Group for Establishing Trust Between the USSR and the USA, an independent peace organization in the Soviet Union. Three issues were editor Sergei Batovrin and published from New York City. They contain news on the peace movement in the Soviet Union and the harassment and imprisonment of activists by the government.


Peace Through Non-Alignment: The case for British withdrawal from NATO

Pamphlet arguing for British withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It examines the origins of NATO, its role in U.S. foreign policy, its nuclear strategies, and its effect on British politics and national security.


Protect and Survive

British government booklet aimed at the general public describing "how to make your home and your family as safe as possible under nuclear attack."


Target North-West: Civil Defence & Nuclear War in Cumbria, Lancashire, Manchester, Merseyside, and Cheshire

Pamphlet by the Richardson Institute for Peace and Conflict Research detailing the effects and aftermath of a nuclear war on Northwest England. Describes emergency defense plans for the post-attack government.


The Earth Imperilled

Pamphlet by the Soviet Novosti Press Agency arguing against the American "Star Wars" program. Advocates for the "Star Peace" program introduced by the Soviet Union.


The Effects and Control of Radiation

British government pamphlet intended to calm public fears about radiation and the nuclear energy industry. Describes sources of radiation in the United Kingdom and biological effects of exposure, arguing that health risks are minor and the industry is safe.


Arms Freeze: Who Is For and Who Is Against

Pamphlet by the Soviet Novosti Press Agency arguing for the U.S. government to accept a mutual proposal to freeze American and Soviet nuclear arms production. Argues that this would lead to an improved political atmosphere and nuclear arms reductions in the future. Translated for publication from the Russian text, "Zamorazhivanie, kto za i kto protiv."


Civil Defence: The Cruellest Confidence Trick

Pamphlet from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament which explores the British government's civil defense plans in case of a nuclear attack, concluding that the only true defense against nuclear weapons is to make sure they no longer exist.


Disarmament: The View from Moscow. Chemical Weapons

Pamphlet published by the Soviet Novosti Press Agency on arms control of chemical weapons. The author discusses chemical weapons arsenals held by the major powers and attempts to ban them, especially through the Geneva Conference on Disarmament.
