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Disarmament: Who's Against?

Soviet military pamphlet discussing what it sees as the two different approaches to nuclear and conventional arms limitation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Argues that while the Soviet Union works for constructive talks, the U.S. obstructs agreements and uses propaganda rhetoric to disguise its true aggression. Translated for publication from the Russian text, "Razoruzhenie, kto protiv?"


Domestic Nuclear Shelters: Advice on domestic shelters providing protection against nuclear explosions, A Home Office Guide

British government booklet describing the effects of potential nuclear fallout. It also provides detailed instructions on how to construct four different types of domestic shelters in preparation for an attack.


Keep Space Weapon Free

Pamphlet by the Soviet Novosti Press Agency arguing against the deployment of anti-satellite weapons into outer space.


Missile Madness: The New Weapons Systems and How They Threaten Your Life

Socialist Workers Party pamphlet arguing that the current nuclear arms threat is much more serious than in the past due to the development of new cruise missiles. It calls for people to stand up against the missiles and recognize nuclear weapons as a class issue integrated with the wider Socialist Workers Party platform.


No Cruise Missiles, No SS20's: European Nuclear Disarmament

Pamphlet from the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation arguing for the creation of a nuclear-free zone in Europe. Argues that by becoming nuclear-free Europe will prevent further proliferation and development of nuclear weapons.


Nuclear Power, Nuclear Weapons: The Deadly Connection

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament pamphlet arguing that nuclear power and weapons are inseparable and this inseparability leads to the constant violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which must be severely strengthened to avoid nuclear war.


Nuclear Weapons

British government pamphlet describing the general features and effects of nuclear weapons. Intended for home defense planners, it includes detailed scientific information about the destructive forces of nuclear blasts, the dangers to human health, and the construction of effective shelters.

November 1982

Diary of a Hunger Strike

Activist Ben Thompson describes his participation in a 1982 protest against the placement of cruise missiles at the United States Air Base in Comiso, Italy. Thompson describes the day-to-day events of the protest and hunger strike, including meetings with Italian politicians and the press. This unpublished narrative was written for circulation among Thompson's friends. See also his related pamphlet, the END Special Report "Comiso."


Beyond the Cold War

Lecture by EP Thompson before the Worcester City Guildhall seeking to define the Cold War in a contemporary context. Thompson argues that the standard dichotomous definitions of the past have become improper and the Cold War is now best defined as a developed habit supported by the material interests of each side, most importantly military and political actors. He describes the Cold War as a method for leaders to easily access the ideological regulation and social discipline needed to ensure their positions. Therefore, Thompson argues, since these leaders have a direct interest in its continuance, people, and not states, must bring about any significant change in the Cold War.



Pamphlet from European Nuclear Disarmament promoting a resistance campaign against the placement of 464 cruise missiles in the town of Comiso, on the southern coast of Sicily. Aimed at creating an effective protest, author Ben Thompson details the political and social background of the region, the anti-missile campaign that already exists, local opposition, and directions on how to get to Comiso to take part in any future protests. See also Thompson's unpublished description of the protest, "Diary of a Hunger Strike."
