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January 30, 1964

Romanian Securitate Report on Radio Free Europe's Encouragement of Romanian Independence from the USSR

Information Note from the Foreign Information Section of the Securitate with regard to RFE’s encouragement of foreign policy autonomy, and differences of opinion on the matter within RFE.

December 4, 1978

Hungarian Secretariat Report on Fight against 'Imperialist Propaganda'

Report on the implementation of the Politburo resolution of May 22, 1973, concerning the need to strengthen the fight against "imperialist propaganda" (especially its emphasis on human rights) and proposals for future tasks (including concern with projected Western satellite television broadcasts).

May 22, 1973

Hungarian Central Committee Report on Fight against 'Hostile Propaganda'

This Central Committee report to the Hungarian Politburo reviews efforts of Party and government organs to analyze Western broadcasting and other information programs targeted on Hungary. The report indicates the extent of the resources devoted to analyzing "hostile" information programs, criticizes as inadequate the efforts to counter "hostile propaganda" claiming to "improve socialism," and urges better coordination of counterpropaganda. The resolution of the Politburo accepting the report follows. This resolution, adopted on May 22, 1973, was declared invalid ten years later by a resolution made on October 11, 1983.

September 23, 1970

Stasi Report on West German Government’s Attitude to Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty

This GDR intelligence report, based on information from SPD officials in Bonn, describes the concern of Brandt Government officials about the continued operation of RFE and RL in Germany, and claims that some officials would conditionally welcome Soviet bloc pressure on this issue.

June 6, 1989

Bulgarian Politburo Discussion on Radio Free Europe Monitoring Reports (excerpt)

This extract from a Politburo discussion indicates the attention paid to monitoring Western broadcasts for the top Party elite and Party leader Zhivkov’s impatience with the regime monitors’ focus on RFE broadcasts.

March 15, 1984

Bulgarian Interior Ministry Report on the Staff of the Bulgarian Service of Radio Free Europe

A collaborator of the Bulgarian intelligence service provided detailed information on the personnel situation within the RFE Bulgarian Service.


Bulgarian Interior Ministry Analysis of Foreign Propaganda against Bulgaria

This document provides a detailed content analysis of the programs of individual Western broadcasters. It indicates particular sensitivity to broadcasts on Helsinki-related human rights issues, to the use of recent defectors with inside knowledge, and to Radio Free Europe's focus on domestic issues.

November 23, 1960

International Operations Division, Management Turmoil at Radio Free Europe

The IOD officer responsible for RFE informs Cord Meyer of the turmoil in the RFE Czechoslovak Service. He opines that resignation of the RFE Munich leadership [European Director Erik Hazelhoff and his deputies David Penn and Charles J. McNeill] “would be an extremely healthy thing.”

October 24, 1956

Memorandum from [redacted] for Chief, ICD, ‘Guidance to Radio Liberation from New York on Satellite Situation’

The International Operations Division officer responsible for Radio Liberty notes to Cord Meyer his disagreement with RL’s policy of avoiding all commentary on the Hungarian Revolution. He cites Meyer’s intention to discuss the issue with AMCOMLIB president Sargeant.

March 8, 1954

Memorandum from [redacted] for Chief, IO/1, ‘History of the Efforts on the Part of the American Committee to Establish Large Scale Radio Activities’

An International Organizations Division memorandum reviews the history of AMCOMLIB efforts to organize radio broadcasts, noting that they became the primary AMCOMLIB activity only after issuance of the Jackson Committee report in September 1953.
