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August 10, 1950

Office of Policy Coordination Provides Propaganda Themes for Radio Free Europe

The Office of Policy Coordination provides the Free Europe Committee with four suggested propaganda themes for RFE broadcasts.

November 1, 1949

Memorandum for Mr. Wisner, 'HCFE Broadcasting (Interim Report)' [Approved for Release, November 7, 2012]

An official from the Department of State, the Office of Policy Coordination updates Frank Wisner on possibilities for providing the Free Europe Committee (FEC) with intelligence reports for use in planned Radio Free Europe broadcasts. He also suggests that Foreign Broadcast Information Bureau monitoring reports of Soviet bloc media can be provided, but only in English translations.

August 4, 1952

CIA-Free Europe Committee Memorandum of Understanding

Allen Dulles records initialing a Memorandum of Understanding with Free Europe Committee (FEC). The Memorandum, also initialed by FEC President Howard B. Miller, outlines procedures for CIA (“Sponsor”) approval of FEC (“Fund”) budget submittals and establishment of a CIA liaison office to handle all FEC contacts except for financial matters and “matters which the Fund desires to take up with the Director of Sponsor [i.e., Dulles] or his immediate Deputies.”

September 19, 1972

CIA Ends All Involvement with Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty

A CIA chronology records the end of all financial support to RFE and RL on June 30, 1971, and the end of all supervision and other involvement on March 30, 1972. [Thereafter, funding and oversight were temporarily the responsibility of the Department of State and thereafter until 1995 the responsibility of a new federal body, the Board for International Broadcasting, and subsequently the responsibility of the Broadcasting Board of Governors.]

June 24, 1971

Letter, R.E. Cushman, Jr., to Howland H. Sargeant

Acting CIA Director Cushman advises President Sargeant to prepare for liquidation in the absence of Congressional funding action. [A similar letter was sent to the FEC. At the last minute, the Congress approved temporary funding for RFE and RL from the USIA budget]

June 16, 1971

Helms Seeks Advice from Office of Management and Budget Director

In the absence of Congressional action on funding RFE and RL after June 30, 1971, Richard Helms seeks advice from Office of Management and Budget Director George Shultz on “what the Administration desires that the Central Intelligence Agency do about the funding and the management of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, effective 1 July 1971.” [Published as document 55, FRUS, 1969-76, XXIX]

May 11, 1971

Helms Alerts Nixon About Pending De-funding of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty

Richard Helms alerts President Nixon about the absence of funding arrangements for RFE and RL after June 30, 1971.

January 21, 1971

Warsaw Embassy Criticism of Radio Free Europe

In Warsaw Embassy Dispatch No. 192, Ambassador Walter Stoessel criticizes RFE’s abusive personal characterizations of individual Polish leaders

October 14, 1970

Valtin-Brandt Discussion of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty

CIA official Fred Valtin provides a detailed report on his discussion of RFE and RL with German Chancellor Willy Brandt.


Briefing Book on Radio Liberty Committee

CIA reviews RL history in a briefing book (extract)
