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May 27, 1958

Memorandum for the Record from the President [Howland H. Sargeant]. 'Review of Steps Taken to Strengthen Radio Liberation Programming'

AMCOMLIB President Sargeant records his discussion with founding Trustees Lyons and Levine on RL programming.

May 12, 1958

Letter, Howland H. Sargeant to Richard Bertrandias

AMCOMLIB President Sargeant responds to a letter from RL European program director Bertrandias dated April 28, 1958, discussing RL personnel issues.

May 5, 1958

Letter, Richard Bertarandias to Howland H. Sargeant

RL European program director Richard Bertrandias provides AMCOMLIB President Sargeant with a 24 page joint response by RL program managers to AMCOMLIB founder Isaac Don Levine’s critique of RL programming.

May 5, 1958

Letter, Richard Bertarandias to Howland H. Sargeant

RL European program director Richard Bertrandias provides AMCOMLIB President Sargeant with a 24 page joint response by RL program managers to AMCOMLIB founder Isaac Don Levine’s critique of RL programming.

May 1, 1958

Memorandum [from Howland H. Sargaent]: Some Highlights of Recent Events

AMCOMLIB President Sargeant reviews the history of the criticism of RL programs by AMCOM founders Lyons and Levine and his responses.

April 17, 1958

Letter, Eugene Lyons to Howland Sargeant

AMCOMLIB founder Eugene Lyons expresses reservations to AMCOMLIB President Sargeant about the measures outlined in his Memorandum on strengthening RL programming.

April 9, 1958

Memorandum for the Record from the President [Howland H. Sargeant]. 'Evaluations of Programming by Radio Liberation '

AMCOMLIB President Sargeant summarizes criticism of RL broadcasts by AMCOMLIB founders Lyons and Levine and by CIA officers and outlines measures to monitor and review programs. 

April 9, 1958

Memorandum from the President [Howland H. Sargaent], 'Actions Taken to Strengthen the Programming of Radio Liberation'

AMCOMLIB President Sargeant records actions he has taken to strengthen the programming of Radio Liberation. 

March 15, 1958

Letter, Isaac Don Levine to Howland H. Sargeant

AMCOMLIB co-founder Isaac Don Levine informs AMCOMLIB President Sargeant of the results of his critical review of RL broadcasts in late 1957 and early 1958. 

December 5, 1957

Conference with Dr. Oncken of the Foreign Office in Bonn on November 28, 1957

AMCOMLIB European Counsel Paul Mueller informs the Deputy to the President, Europe of his discussions with German Foreign Office official Onken about a staff termination with political ramifications and assures him of efforts to avoid publicity about the case.
