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November 8, 1956

Department of State, Outgoing Telegram to Moscow Embassy

The State Department requests that the embassy find out the status of an American citizen who works for Radio Free Europe who was detained in Hungary by Soviet military authorities.

November 12, 1956

Radio Free Europe Encrypted Telex MUN 135, Richard Condon to W. J. Conerey Egan

Richard Condon, Radio Free Europe (RFE) European Director reports the release of RFE staff from detention in Gyor, Hungary.

November 9, 1956

Radio Free Europe Encrypted Telex MUN 157, Richard Condon to W. J. Conerey Egan

Richard Condon, Radio Free Europe (RFE) European Director reports on the border situation in late October and RFE staff who entered Hungary to report on the developing revolt there.

November 5, 1956

Radio Free Europe Encrypted Telex MUN 70, Richard Condon to W. J. Conerey Egan

Richard Condon, the European Director of Radio Free Europe in Munich, messages with information about RFE personnel still inside Hungary.


Frederick Hier, 'A Hungarian Diary'

Frederick ("Fritz") Hier was an American employee of Radio Free Europe. He led a team which entered Hungary on October 31 to report on the events of the Hungarian Revolution. Hier was joined by RFE journalists Gabor Tormay from the Hungarian Service, Jerzy Ponikiewicz from the Polish Service, and a journalist from South German Radio, who helped tape RFE interviews in return for transportation. They reported the Revolution from GyƑr and nearby cities and interviewed heads of local revolutionary councils.

December 21, 1955

Report by Overton on his visit to Radio Free Europe in Munich

Report by Foreign Office (IRD) official H.T.A. Overton on his visit to RFE between November 24 and November 27, 1955. The report is focused on RFE’s news and information operation and the balloon-leaflet operation. Overton viewed as RFE liabilities the extent of autonomy granted to its exile broadcasters, its non-official status, and its location in Bavaria. He notes an effort by Political Advisor William Griffith to encourage the national broadcast services to include more coverage of the Western world and to eliminate “the highly argumentative 
 script with no real substance to it.” Attached is an RFE summary of its Evaluation and Research Section and an RFE organizational chart.

September 15, 1955

Visit to Radio Free Europe by NATO Officers

Record of an informational visit to RFE by NATO military officers in the midst of a conference on psychological warfare. Attached are detailed descriptions of its operations that RFE provided to the officers.

June 24, 1955

Report by Sir Bruce Robert Lockhart on Radio Free Europe

Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart reports to the Foreign Office on his second visit to RFE (again accompanied by BBC Central European chief Gregory Macdonald) between July 5 and July 8, 1955. Lockhart positively evaluated broadcasts as more responsible than in 1952 and gave high marks to the content of the leaflets dispatched to Czechoslovakia by balloon and mail. He found staff unsettled by RFE’s change of status following the restoration of German sovereignty, did not think RFE could long survive in Munich, and would advise it to relocate of its own volition before it was forced out of Germany

May 25, 1955

Equipment for Radio Free Europe Studio in London

The Foreign Office writes to the Treasury to ask it to reverse its denial to RFE of customs duties exemption for import of technical equipment for a new London bureau. RFE “deserves the full support of her Majesty’s Government,” wrote the Foreign Office, adding that a London bureau will enable better cooperation between the U.K. and RFE and facilitate its interviewing of East European refugees. The Foreign Office notes that RFE is not a commercial organization and “is in fact supported by US Government money contributed covertly.. For political and other reasons the US Government are unable to admit this 

February 17, 1952

Report by Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart on his visit to Radio Free Europe, Munich

Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart - head of the World War II Political Warfare Executive who later had a highly popular BBC weekly program in Czech - visited RFE with BBC Central European chief Gregory Macdonald between January 29 and February 1, 1952. Reviewing personalities, attitudes, and operations in Munich, Lockhart concluded that RFE had made progress in its first year, that its broadcasters were happy to be separated geographically from Ă©migrĂ© politicians in the US, but that RFE faced the challenge of keeping the spark of hope alive in Eastern Europe without instigating revolt. It also faced the challenge of emerging German sovereignty, which Lockhart thought would force RFE to relocate to another country. Accompanying Foreign Office memoranda generally endorsed Lockhart conclusions. Information Research Department official F.C. Stacey cautioned that “the need for sensational stories of RFE activities” for the domestic US audience might result in irresponsible RFE broadcasts.
