Eastern Europe
(372) documents
East Asia
1898- 1976
Southeast Asia
South Asia
1893- 1976
North America
1894- 1971
May 29, 1965
Cable from the Chinese Foreign Ministry to Chinese Embassies noting foreign countries' responses to China's second nuclear test.
May 19, 1965
Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia describing positive responses of Indonesian government officials, media and public regarding China's second nuclear test.
December 10, 1964
Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Switzerland describing the efforts of the United States, the West and the Soviet Union to downplay China's nuclear test.
October 31, 1964
The Chinese Embassy in India reviews various responses to China's nuclear test among Indian leaders.
October 22, 1964
Cable from the Chinese Embassy in India describing mixed responses of Indians on Khrushchev's removal and China's nuclear test.
October 18, 1964
Cable from the Chinese Embassy in India describing mixed responses of Indian government officials and public regarding China's successful nuclear test.
October 20, 1964
The Chinese Embassy in Pakistan summarizes local media responses to China's successful nuclear test.
October 23, 1964
Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Cuba describing positive responses of Cuban officials and foreign government officials and public in Cuba regarding China's nuclear test.
October 17, 1964
Cable from the Chinese Embassy in North Korea describing positive responses of North Korean officials and Vietnamese diplomats in North Korea regarding China's first nuclear weapons test.
Cable from the Military Attache of the Chinese Embassy in Cuba noting a positive response of Lt. Hector, the Cultural Head of the Army Political Department, on China's nuclear weapons test.