Eastern Europe
(372) documents
East Asia
1912- 1994
1894- 1971
1915- 1976
North Korea
November 3, 1949
Shtykov requests the Soviet government to give Koreans further aid in instruments for an arsenal.
March 25, 1989
In this letter, Shevardnadze, Yazov, and Kamentsev discuss the Soviet Union's obligations to provide military assistance to their treaty partners, and the differences between treaties.
June 4, 1984
During a visit to the USSR, Kim Il Sung stressed the unity of socialist countries especially in Southeast Asia. Kim mentioned that DPRK has no intention of attacking South Korea.
September 22, 1948
Kim praises Stalin and the USSR for its role in securing Korean independence and in negotiating with the Americans on the Korean issue
June 7, 1984
A comprehensive overview of North Korean-East German ties as well as North Korea's overall foreign relations in light of a visit to the GDR made by Kim Il Sung.
April 14, 1969
Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev sought the help of Kim Il Sung in influencing China, which was in a border dispute with the Soviet Union. Requesting that they "exercise political influence on Peking."
December 2, 1969
Sudarikov and Kim discuss North Korea's debt and other economic problems.
October 22, 1980
Dr. Szűrös Mátyás reports on the coverage of the Korean Workers' Party's 6th Congress by the Soviet press, mainly Pravda.
April 10, 1972
A letter to Komocsin Zoltan from Kadas Istvan, which indicates that Etra Sandor’s report on North Korea was attached to a letter.
March 4, 1972
A report by Etre Sandor on a conversation between Pak Seong-cheol and Frigyes Puja regarding Nixon’s visit to China, Chinese-North Korean-Soviet relations, and the situation inside North Korea.