Eastern Europe
(372) documents
East Asia
1898- 1976
Western Europe
Southeast Asia
1897- 1977
1890- 1986
1900- 1976
March 21, 1955
December 14, 1965
Pak Seong-cheol briefs Ambassador Jiao Ruoyu on the Japan-South Korea treaty, the situations in Indonesia and Vietnam, and the power struggle inside of the Soviet Union.
April 4, 1954
The Vietnam group of the Chinese delegation offers a solution involving peaceful unification within Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, so that these nations can govern themselves as independent, sovereign states.
April 23, 1954
Zhou Enlai describes his meeting with Khrushchev, Malenkov, and other Soviet officials. The Soviets agree with the CCP position on Indochina, and will give their opinion of China’s draft constitution in four months.
May 12, 1954
Zhou Enlai reports mainly on the second session of the Indochina issue. Participants are divided on the issue of a ceasefire. The Republic of Vietnam's Pham Van Dong agrees that the releasing of sick and wounded POWs will include both French and Vietnamese troops.
May 14, 1954
Zhou Enlai and Anthony Eden discuss Geneva Conference proceedings related to the Korea and Indochina issues. Zhou expresses concerns for the French proposal on Indochina and states that China supports the North Vietnamese proposal. Zhou and Eden agree that a military armistice should be decided on, although they disagree on specific issues surrounding an armistice.
June 7, 1954
Zhou informs the CCP that he is sending the twelve terms on the Indochina armistice issue to be discussed on the 8th.
June 10, 1954
Zhou reports on his discussion with Bidault on the Indochina issue. The two discuss French relations with the Associated States and the NNSC.
June 15, 1954
In this meeting, Caccia explains to Zhang that Britain firmly supports the withdrawal of all Viet Minh troops from Laos and Cambodia.
June 18, 1954
Zhou reports on his meeting with Bidault. Bidault expresses his desire to see the conference continue, and says there is still a week until Eden and Smith leave to reach some agreement. Zhou also speaks of the Cambodia and Laos issues.