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June 17, 1949

The State of Work in Manchuria

A Russian translation of a Chinese report on work to unify China and organize a new communist administration.

July 7, 1949

Democratic Parties and Groups in the Preparatory Committee to Convene a Political Consultative Conference

A Russian translation of a Chinese report on groups joining in the preparatory committee for the Political Consultative Conference.

July 8, 1949

Information about the Strength and Social Composition of the Communist Party of China

Report on the history of Chinese Communist Party, membership data, and party demographics

January 19, 1949

Guidelines of the Chinese Communist Party on the Question of Work in the Sphere of Foreign Policy

A Chinese Communist Party file outlining views on foreign policy, foreign trade, and social and cultural exchanges.

July 6, 1949

Report from the Head of the Delegation of the Chinese Communist Party CC to Stalin

Liu Shaoqi sends list of questions to be discussed with Stalin, and reports that the Chinese plan to study the government and civic structure of the Soviet Union.

July 4, 1949

Report from the Head of the Delegation of the CC of the Chinese Communist Party, 'The Current State of the Chinese Revolution'

Russian translation of a long Chinese report on the Chinese Civil War and the future of China. Liu Shaoqi claims that the war "will soon end in complete victory" for the Communists. He outlines plans for the Political Consultative Conference and a new central government. He also discusses the future Chinese foreign relations

February 1949

List of Products Brought Back

Anastas Mikoyan's list of products he brought back to the Soviet Union following his trip to Xibaipo, China, in January-February 1949.

September 4, 1958

Anastas Mikoyan’s Recollections of his Trip to China

Anastas Mikoyan gives a very detailed summary of his trip to China, to secretly hold talks with Mao Zedong. Begins with a summary of his trip, and choice of delegation members, and his living conditions while visiting with Mao. Describes talks with Mao, which covered a large range of topics, including Mao's divergence of opinion on American imperialism as compared to Stalin's, the CCP's lack of influence in China's cities, and Stalin's advice to arrest two Americans, including Sidney Rittenberg, who were "obvious American spies." Mao does not agree, eventually arrests spy suspects, and Mikoyan notes that after Stalin's death, USSR admitted to having no rationale or evidence for the spy allegations.

February 4, 1949

Cable, Joseph Stalin to Anastas Mikoyan

Stalin cable to Mikoyan, asking Mikoyan to recount a four-point cable sent earlier to Mao Zedong. Stalin has not heard an answer, and demands an immediate one.

February 4, 1949

Cable, Joseph Stalin to Anastas Mikoyan

Stalin cable to Mikoyan, responding to Mikoyan's report that an American named Rittenberg is stationed with the Chinese Communist party as a spy. Stalin recommends an arrest of Rittenberg immediately, so as "to expsoe the network of American agents" operating in China. Stalin then notes that another American, writer Anna-Louise Strong, is also an American spy.
