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January 13, 1950

Cable, Mao Zedong to Liu Shaoqi

Mao Zedong gives instructions on Sino-Soviet military cooperation and makes personnel appointments to the Chinese armed forces.

January 6, 1950

Conversation between A. Vyshinsky and Mao Zedong, Moscow

In this conversation Mao and Vyshinskii talk about Sino-Soviet economic cooperation, including Soviet aid in rebuilding the Jilin power plant and provision of fuel supplies. The conversation the turns on the question of Japanese POWs. Mao wants to leave them in the USSR for a while longer, and Vyshinskii agrees. Finally, Mao tells Vyshinskii that he is of the opinion that the USSR and China must sign a new treaty of alliance, to which Vyshinskii (possibly unaware of the TASS interview) replies that he sees difficulties in this.

February 1, 1949

Memorandum of Conversation between Anastas Mikoyan and Zhou Enlai

Anastas Mikoyan and Zhou Enlai discuss Chinese Communist Party contacts with the US, recognition of the coalition government, and the Chinese attitude toward foreign property.

April 22, 1948

Cable, Terebin to Stalin, Plans for Mao's Visit to Moscow

Terebin (Andrei Orlov) tells Stalin of Mao's plans for arriving in Moscow and asks whether he, Terebin, should join Mao on the journey.

April 26, 1948

Cable, Mao Zedong to Filippov [Stalin]

Mao tells Filippov (Stalin) about the move of the Central Committee to a more rural area in China. Mao also discusses his plans for his trip to Moscow.

April 29, 1948

Cable, Stalin to Mao Zedong

Stalin agrees with the plans Mao discusses in a previous cable.

December 17, 1947

Cable, Terebin to Stalin [via Kuznetsov]

Terebin (Andrei Orlov) returns Kuznetsov's (Stalin) cable concerning a visit to Moscow by Mao. Terebin gives Mao's response to the invitation and tells of a discussion that took place between himself and Mao after Stalin's message was relayed.

April 20, 1948

Cable, Stalin [Kuznetsov] to Mao Zedong [via Terebin]

Stalin responds to two letters from Mao, via Terebin (Andrei Orlov). In the cable, Stalin gives advice to Mao on what to do with opposing parties once the Chinese revolution is complete and whether or not Mao should include the liberal bourgeosie in China's central government.

May 10, 1948

Cable, Filippov [Stalin] to Mao Zedong

Filippov (Stalin) suggests that, because of possible dangers, Mao delay his trip to Moscow even further.

May 10, 1948

Cable, Mao Zedong to Filippov [Stalin]

Mao says that his poor health requires him to delay his trip further.
