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July 4, 1948

Cable, Mao Zedong to Stalin

Mao states to Stalin that his health is no longer a problem and that he, Mao, may now go to Moscow. Mao discusses the best means for doing so.

July 14, 1948

Cable, Stalin to Mao Zedong [via Terebin]

Stalin asks Mao, through Terebin (Andrei Orlov), to visit Moscow in November so Mao will be able to see all of the important Soviet leaders.

July 14, 1948

Ciphered Telegram No. 69738 from Terebin to Kuznetsov

Terebin discusses briefly Mao's reaction to Stalin's telegram, dated July 14, 1948, and gives Mao's response.

July 17, 1948

Cable, Terebin to Stalin [via Kuznetsov]

Terebin (Andrei Orlov) gives Kuznetsov (Stalin) his, Terebin's, interpretation of Mao's reaction to Stalin's cable asking that Mao's visit be delayed several months.

July 28, 1948

Cable, Terebin to Stalin [via Kuznetsov]

Terebin (Andrei Orlov) discusses Mao's plans for conversation when the trip to Moscow is made. Terebin lists seven questions of Mao's that Mao will bring up upon arriving in the USSR.

September 28, 1948

Cable, Mao Zedong to Stalin

Mao agrees to delay his visit to the USSR until November, but asks that, Stalin and the Cenral Committee give advice about several questions Mao had stated previously.

October 17, 1948

Cable, Terebin to Stalin

Mao asks, through Terebin, whether or not he, Mao, will be picked up by a Soviet plane when he heads to Moscow. Terebin recounts the detailed planning that Mao has done for the trip.

October 21, 1948

Cable, Stalin [via Kuznetsov] to Mao Zedong [via Terebin]

Kuznetsov (Stalin) tells Terebin (Andrei Orlov) that two planes will pick up Mao at an undetermined time to take him to Moscow.

November 22, 1948

Cable, Stalin to Mao Zedong

Stalin agrees that Mao should postpone his visit to Moscow for a month.

December 30, 1948

Cable, Mao Zedong to Stalin

Mao details to Stalin the recent military operations the Communists have undertaken against the Guomindang army. The first is in the area of Suizhou, Huaiying, and the Huaihe River. The second is in Du Yuming. Mao states that once these operations are complete, he will depart for Moscow. Mao discusses future tactics against the Guomindang.
