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February 4, 1949

Cable, Anastas Mikoyan to Joseph Stalin

Cable sent from Mikoyan to Stalin, summarizing a discussion between Mikoyan and Mao. In that conversation, Mikoyan tells Mao that once the USSR opposed foreign mediation between the Guomindang and CCP, England, America and France changed their positions from supporting mediation to refuting mediation. Mikoyan then draws to Stalin's attention that Zhou Enlai noticed permanent representatives of Americans, including "spies, and journalists," among the Chinese Communist Party.

February 4, 1949

Cable, Anastas Mikoyan to Joseph Stalin

Cable from Mikoyan to Stalin, saying that Mao and the members of the Chinese Politburo were pleased with the content of previous telegrams sent by Stalin.

February 3, 1949

Cable, Joseph Stalin to Anastas Mikoyan

Stalin cable to Mikoyan, asking Mikoyan to bring Mao's attention to the issue of Nanjing'ists taking China's state-owned gold south from evacuated cities and areas in China. Stalin recommends that Mao make the return of this gold a condition for holding talks with the Nanjing'ists.

February 3, 1949

Cable, Filippov [Stalin] to Anastas Mikoyan

Cable from Stalin to Mikoyan, sent with the intent to be passed on to Mao Zedong. Stalin expresses pleasure with the Chinese control of China's peasantry and students, but expresses disappointment that the CCP does not control the majority of the working class. Stalin advises that China turn its big cities into bases for communism, and then gives more specific advice for gaining a majority among the working class. Stalin then responds to Mao's request for weapons, explaining that the USSR doesn't have anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons of foreign make, but can send Russian-made weapons.

February 1949

Cable, Joseph Stalin to Anastas Mikoyan

Cable from Stalin to Mikoyan giving answers to questions raised by Mao Zedong. Stalin advises not to rush in creating a government in China before comprehensively "clearing the liberated area from hostile elements." Stalin explains that the USSR sent an agent to Canton for intelligence-gathering, and says that the Americans and English are sending ambassadors to CCP areas to function as spies.

December 20, 1949

Kovalev Report to Stalin on a Conversation with Mao

Kovalev reported to Stalin on his converation with Mao Zedong. He said Mao intended to suggest two options for Stalin's consideration. The first one is to discuss Soviet-China treaty and other aggrements and then sign them. The second option is to discuss wiouthout formalizing these into agreeements.

October 3, 1949

Cable, Filippov [Stalin] to the Soviet Ambassador, Pyongyang

Stalin asks the ambassador to find the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Beijing and tell him that they agree with the DPRK's thinking on the feasibility of establishing diplomatic relations between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the People's Republic of China.

December 9, 1949

Memorandum of Conversation, Charge d’Affaires of the Soviet Embassy with Chinese Foreign Minister Zhou Enlai on 9 December 1949

Description of a discussion between the Soviet Charge d'Affaires in the PRC and Zhou Enlai, covering Mao Zedong's trip to Moscow and recognition of the PRC by England, Burma, and India.

November 15, 1949

From the Diary of N.V. Roshchin, Memorandum of Conversation with Prime Minister Zhou Enlai on 15 November 1949

Conversation between Soviet Ambassador Roshchin and Chinese Premier Enlai. Zhou Enlai puts forth some future military plans of the PLA. Specifically, the plans to enter Tibet following liberation in Xinjiang and Sichuan, and to attack Hainan are discussed. He adds that the losses incurred in the Battle of Shantou will inform the eventual attack on Formosa.

November 10, 1949

From the Diary of N.V. Roshchin, Memorandum of Conversation with Prime Minister Zhou Enlai on 10 November 1949

Conversation between Soviet Ambassador Roshchin and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai. Zhou Enlai speaks on behalf of Mao Zedong, expressing the Chairman's desire to make a visit to Moscow.
