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February 10, 1950

Telegram, Mao Zedong to Liu Shaoqi

Mao Zedong offers instructions on how to publicize the new Sino-Soviet treaty.

February 12, 1950

Telegram, Mao Zedong to Liu Shaoqi

Mao Zedong issues an internal party announcement on the signing of a new Sino-Soviet treaty.

January 18, 1949

The Official Statement on the Soviet Government’s Answer to the Note by the Nanjing Government (Izyestia)

The Soviet government rejects the proposal from the Chinese Nationalist Government in Nanjing for the Soviet Union to act as mediator in peace negotiations with the Chinese Communist Party.

December 16, 1949

Record of Conversation between I.V. Stalin and Chairman of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China Mao Zedong on 16 December 1949

First meeting between Mao and Stalin. The two discuss war and peace, as well as the question of the new treaty between China and the USSR. Stalin voices himself against signing a new treaty, citing the Yalta agreement. Mao promises to reconsider his position. Mao says he is in favor of keeping Soviet troops in Port Arthur. Stalin promises not to "run away" from China. Mao requests a credit of 300 million dollars, as well as the Soviet aid in liberating Taiwan. Stalin warns Mao not to give the Americans a pretext to intervene in China. Mao says that several countries are interested in establishing diplomatic relations with China but that China should wait before doing so. Stalin agrees with this strategy.

January 22, 1950

Record of Talks between I.V. Stalin and Chairman of the Central People's Government of the People’s Republic of China Mao Zedong

Conversation between Stalin and Mao concerning a proposed treaty of friendship and alliance between the USSR and China. Discussion includes: the prospects of future Japanese aggression, the Chinese-Eastern Railway (Mao and Stalin disagree on who should run its administration), the Port Arthur agreements (including the question of the port of Dalny), and economic cooperation. The economic cooperation focuses on a Soviet credit program for economic development in China, as well as the question of arms shipments to China. There is also discussion of Tibet.

February 6, 1949

Memorandum of Conversation between Anastas Mikoyan and Mao Zedong

Anastas Mikoyan and Mao Zedong discuss Outer Mongolia, the Sino-Soviet treaty, the situation of the national minorities in China, the economic policy of the CCP, the structure of state power, the head of the Chinese government, the "new situation" and the cadres, the Soviet loan to China, the CCP CC plans for February-March, and the youth movement.

April 13, 1949

Ciphered Telegram No. 53517 from Kovalev to Filippov [Stalin]

Kovalev reports to Filippov (Stalin) about the conversation Kovalev had with Mao, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, and several members of the CCP Politburo. The topics discussed include an appraisal of the work and decisions of the second plenum of the CCP CC, the Soviet loan to China, the military situation in China, the city of Shanghai, and the peace talks between the CCP and Guomindang representatives.

April 19, 1949

Telegram No.1828 from Filippov [Stalin] to Kovalev

Filippov (Stalin) gives his advice on whether or not China should refuse relations, loans, and trade with capitalist states. Stalin also discusses the Soviet loan to China. Kovalev is to relay this to Mao.

April 26, 1949

Cable, Stalin to Kovalev

Stalin gives advice to Mao (via Kovalev) on how to treat the Chinese bourgeoisie.

May 17, 1949

Ciphered Telegram No.54755 from Kovalev to Filippov [Stalin]

Kovalev relays to Stalin a conversation with Mao concerning the military situation in China, the choice for leader of the central government, and Wang Ming's appraisal of his incorrect activity.
