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May 23, 1949

Cable, Kovalev to Stalin, Report on the 22 May 1949 CCP CC Politburo Discussion

Kovalev reports to Stalin on the politburo meeting. the discussion concerned the economic situation in China, the military situation in China, and a previous conversation between Mao and American ambassador John Leighton Stuart.

May 26, 1949

Cable, Stalin to Mao Zedong [via Kovalev]

Stalin gives to Mao (via Kovalev) his, Stalin's, stance on the economic situation in China, and how the Chinese are handling it (the creation of an administrative economic center in China). Stalin also discusses Sino-Soviet relations, and the state of the PLA and how best to use PLA forces.

June 14, 1949

Cable, Mao Zedong [via Kovalev] to Stalin

Mao (via Kovalev) responds to Stalin's earlier cable and asks advice on several questions, including: the creation of a government in China, military tactics, the supplying of troops, the state of the civil war, and how to show the friendship between the USSR and China to other countries.

June 18, 1949

Cable, Filippov [Stalin] to Mao Zedong [via Kovalev]

Stalin discusses the creation of a government in China, Chinese military plans, and the acquisition of oil in China.

June 27, 1949

Memorandum of Conversation between Stalin and CCP Delegation

Stalin and the CCP delegation discuss the Soviet loan to China, the specialist the Soviets are to send to China, the occupation of Xinjiang, and the Chinese fleet.

July 6, 1949

Report, Kovalev to Stalin

Kovalev relays several requests made by Liu Shaoqi, Gao Gang, and Wang Jiaxiang. The requests include advice on running a communist government, that Soviet professors be sent to China, advice on how to manage Manchuria, and if China could receive a Czechoslovak trade delegation.

July 18, 1949

Cable, Liu Shaoqi to Mao Zedong

A committee to write up a preliminary draft for a loan from the USSR to China is created. Stalin meets with a delegation of the CCP and answers several of their questions, including: the CCP's policy towards the Chinese national bourgeoisie, the matter of people's democratic dictatorship, Chinese foreign policy issues, Sino-Soviet relations, Xinjiang, Dalian, a Chinese University in Moscow, a railway from outer Mongolia to Zhangjiakou, and a naval school. Stalin and the CCP delegation also discussed the possibility of a war breaking out between the USSR and the US.

July 27, 1949

Memorandum of Conversation between Liu Shaoqi and Stalin

Liu Shaoqi and Stalin (among others) discuss the state of the Chinese civil war

December 24, 1949

Report, Kovalev to Stalin

Kovalev discusses seceral questions on the policy and pratice of the CCP CC. Topics include: data on the economic situation in the country, the Chinese working class, the Chinese peasantry and the land reform, the CCP, the Chinese press, the Chinese state apparatus, the Chinese army, the Chinese intelligentsia, the Chinese attitude toward the national bourgeoisie, the Chinese attitude toward foreign capital, the class struggle in China, and Chinese foreign policy.

February 1, 1949

Memorandum of Conversation between Anastas Mikoyan and Zhou Enlai

Anastas and Zhou Enlai discuss Muslims in China, Chinese policy in inner Mongolia, the Guomindang navy, Guomindang forces, characteristics of Guomindang leaders, PLA arms, PLA military requests, PLA intelligence, and the organization of the war ministry. (Evening)
