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January 13, 1949

Cable, Terebin to Stalin [via Kuznetsov]

Terebin states that Mao is firmly against mediation with the GMD and the USSR taking part in mediation talks with the GMD. Terebin states that if Mao cannot make it to Moscow by the end of January, he will most likely not go at all.

January 17, 1949

Cable, Mao Zedong to Filippov [Stalin]

Mao states that he must delay his visit to Moscow once again. He gives an alternative, which is to have a member of the Politburo come to visit China instead.

January 30, 1949

Memorandum of Conversation between Anastas Mikoyan and Mao Zedong

Mao discusses the military situation in China, which he states is heavily in the favor of the CCP. Mao discusses the plans for finishing off the Guomindang forces, which are to be delayed a couple months. Mao discusses China's standing compared to Russia's. Mao discusses his own standing among the Soviet leaders.

January 31, 1949

Memorandum of Conversation between Anastas Mikoyan and Mao Zedong

Mao discusses the formation of a coalition government and when best to form the government. Mao discusses his strategies against Bai Chongxi and the strength of the CCP forces. Mao also discusses the representative office of the VKP(b) CC with the CCP CC, running the military districts, Guomindang naval forces, the conditions of workers, the cadres, professional unions, working youth and women, talks with the Guomindang government, foreign trade, and the foreign policy of the CCP.

January 10, 1949

Cable, Stalin to Mao Zedong, Nanjing Peace Proposal

Stalin informs Mao that they received a note from the Chinese Nationalist government in Nanjing proposing that the Soviet government act as a mediator between the Nanjing government and the Chinese Communist Party in the termination of the ongoing civil war.

January 13, 1949

Ciphered Telegrams No. 50450, 50470, and 50490, Terebin to Kuznetsov, transmitting a Message from Mao Zedong to Filippov [Stalin]

Mao responds to Stalin's telegrams regarding the Soviet response to the proposal for negotiations from the Chinese Nationalist government in Nanjing.

January 5, 1950

Telegram, Mao Zedong to CCP Central Committee

Mao Zedong urges the Central Committee to ensure the secrecy of the Sino-Soviet negotiations for a new treaty.

January 15, 1949

Ciphered Telegram No. 0356, Filippov [Stalin] to Comrade Mao Zedong

Stalin received Mao's latest telegram; consensus has been reached by the Chinese communist party and the Soviet Union on "peace talks" with the Guomindang.

January 7, 1950

Telegram, Mao Zedong to Zhou Enlai and CCP CC

Mao Zedong updates Zhou Enlai on the Sino-Soviet negotiations and Sino-Soviet cooperation at the United Nations.

January 17, 1950

Conversation, V.M. Molotov and A.Y Vyshinsky with Mao Zedong, Moscow, 17 January 1950

In this conversation Molotov reads out to Mao the part of Acheson's Jan. 12 statement about the Soviet take-over of Manchuria, Mongolia and Xinjiang. Molotov proposes that the Chinese Foreign Ministry issues a refutation. Mao suggests that Xinhua should do that, but Molotov disagrees, and Mao promises that the Foreign Ministry will issue a statement. Mao, for his part, mentions several US probes to establish relations with Communist China, but notes that his policy is to keep the Americans at arms' length, and, in fact, to force them to leave China altogether. Towards the end Molotov and Mao discuss China's representation at the UN (Molotov asks that China appoint a representative, something that Mao appears reluctant to do), and China's representation at the Allied Control Council for Japan.
