Eastern Europe
(372) documents
North America
East Asia
1914- 1996
Western Europe
May 21, 1980
Short version of the Presidential Decision Paper for policymakers.
May 12, 1980
The paper elaborates options for President Carter's nonproliferation policy.
April 10, 1980
At the meeting of the Policy Review Committee, Gerald Smith gave a full briefing of the policy and procedural changes that he sought.
April 9, 1980
The memorandum describing Smith's argument that President Carter's nonproliferation policy of making distinctions between countries over reprocessing is discriminatory.
March 17, 1980
The memorandum describing the discussion on extention of the Tokai-Mura agreement and State Department officials' opinions.
February 18, 1980
The memorandum conveys Smith's proposal of rethinking US nonproliferation policy on reprocessing.
November 15, 1979
The telegram describing the US-Japan Consultations on Non-Proliferation
The telegram describing the US-Japan Discussions on Post-INFCE Regime.
October 19, 1979
Explorations of common approaches to nonproliferation and engery development issues arising out of the nuclear fuel cycle.
November 3, 1979
The memorandum describes a difference between President Carter and the West Europeans over their commitment to limiting reprocessing and plutonium supplies for R&D work on breeder reactors.