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September 8, 1989

Ambassadors’ Conference at the Austrian Foreign Ministry, Vienna

Summary of discussion between Austrian Foreign Minister Erich Maximilian Schmid and ambassadors from Belgium, Finland, Yugoslavia, Luxembourg, and Sweden about the state of Eastern Europe, the decline of the arms race, and Western reactions to German Reunification.

June 26, 1989

Memorandum of Conversation Foreign Ministers Alois Mock (Austria) and Gyula Horn (Hungary)

Transcript of official visit between Foreign Minister Horn (Hungary) with Foreign Minister Mock (Austria). In it they discuss Western European integration including Hungary's participation, the Europe Free Trade Agreement, and Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. They continue with the development of Eastern Europe elaborating the developments with the Warsaw Pact, Hungarian/USSR relations, reforming Hungarian policy, and Austria's place in these changing times.

June 8, 1989

Assessment Paper by the Austrian Foreign Ministry, '[Excerpt] Eastern Europe; Current Assessment'

The paper addresses the change in economics, politics, and social structures in the Soviet bloc (Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, and the GDR) as a result of the USSR loosening up regulations.

November 21, 1989

Letter from NATO Deputy General Secretary Marcello Guidi to Minister Gianni De Michelis

The letter addresses developments in the relationship between the two German states and the prospect of reunification. It describes the political climate in West Germany towards reunification as hesitant, if not reluctant, and voices concerns over the destabilizing potential of such efforts.

January 26, 1990

Discussion of the German Question at a Private Meeting in the Office of the CPSU CC General Secretary

In a conversation recorded by Chernyaev, Gorbachev candidly discusses the political situation in East and West Germany, the weakness of the Socialist Unity Party (SED), and the Soviet strategy for managing German reunification.

December 6, 1989

Rezső Nyers’s Typed Notes to Miklós Németh on Gorbachev’s Briefing on the Malta Summit on 4 December

An official report by Nyers about the Malta Summit prepared for Prime Minister Miklós Németh.

December 6, 1989

Record of Conversation between M. S. Gorbachev and President of France F. Mitterrand

Gorbachev and Mitterrand discuss with concern German unification and Helmut Kohl's 10-point plan.

December 5, 1989

Record of Conversation between M. S. Gorbachev and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the FRG H.D. Genscher

Record of a conversation between M.S. Gorbachev and H.D. Genscher discussing Helmut Kohl's Ten Points. Genscher expresses interest in negotiating with FRG and passing reforms in the GDR.

November 21, 1989

Record of Conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney.

Gorbachev and Mulroney discuss US interference in Eastern Europe and increasing cooperation with Western Europe. They also briefly discuss George Bush's leadership.

November 14, 1989

Record of Telephone Conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and President of France Francois Mitterrand

Telephone conversation between Gorbachev and Mitterrand about France's position on German unification. Mitterrand expresses that he is against changing the borders at this time.
