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March 20, 1972

Report from Dr. Pataki János, 'The visit of DPRK ambassador Pak Gyeong-sun'

A report by Dr. Pataki Janos on a conversation with North Korean ambassador Pak Gyeong-sun, discussing Korean reunification and the invitation of some UN Representatives from Africa to North Korea.

February 15, 1972

Report from Etre Sándor, 'Foreign visits of the DPRK’s governmental delegations. Visit of Comrade Pak Seong-cheol to Hungary'

A report by Etre Sandor providing details about five North Korean governmental delegations to Africa and Middle East and the visit of Pak Seong-cheol to Hungary.

February 4, 1972

Report by Dr. Pataki János, 'The visit of Korean councilor Ahn Gi-son'

A report from Dr.Pataki Janos on the visit of North Korean councilor Ahn Gi-Son, and their discussion of North Korea’s views on various UN issues.

November 8, 1957

CDS Report No. 62 from Choi Duk Shin to the President (Syngman Rhee)

Choi Duk Shin announces the denial of South Korea's admittance into the Colombo Plan, offers his opinions on the threat of Red China's interference in Asia, and reports on major events in South Vietnam.

October 31, 1988

Memorandum, 'Re: Chinese Views on Some Aspects of Hungarian and Soviet Reform Policies'

The Hungarian Ministry of the Interior weighs how China views the ongoing reforms in Hungary.

July 18, 1988

Letter, 'Re: Chinese and Japanese Diplomats on Foreign Policy Issues'

Chinese and Japanese views on politics in the Soviet Union and the reforms ongoing in Hungary.

November 9, 1967

Note, UN Under-Secretary Nesterenko to Secretary-General U Thant, Concerning Scope of UN Command in Korea

Under-Secretary Aleksei E. Nesterenko relays to Secretary-General of the United Nations U Thant the reaction of representatives from Hungary, Cambodia, United States, Ghana, and Liberia to Secretary-General U Thant's 7 November 1967 address concerning the United Nations Command in Korea. The representatives commented on the scope of the United Nations Command in Korea and the United States' involvement in Korea.

July 23, 1973

Note On a Conversation with the Acting Hungarian Ambassador to the DPRK, Comrade Dr. Taraba, on 19 July 1973 in the Hungarian Embassy.

Heo Dam briefs Dr. Taraba on South Korea's intention to apply for UN membership, North Korea's foreign relations with East and West Germany, and Kim Il Sung's new proposals on unification.

August 24, 1971

Telegram, Embassy of Hungary in the Soviet Union to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

A telegram from the Embassy of Hungary in the Soviet Union discussing how to handle relations with both the North and South Korean governments without offending the North Koreans.

October 10, 1988

Note about a Conversation with the DPRK Ambassador to the GDR, Comrade Pak Yeong-chan, on 10 October 1988 in Berlin

DPRK Ambassador Pak Yeong-chan discusses Hungary's decision to recognize the South Korean government, East German-North Korean relations, and procedures for North Korean citizens traveling to West Berlin.
