Eastern Europe
(372) documents
East Asia
1912- 1994
1879- 1953
1915- 1976
North America
1893- 1976
November 3, 1949
Shtykov requests the Soviet government to give Koreans further aid in instruments for an arsenal.
October 23, 1947
Vyshinsky is instructed that, because the Korean issue is already on the UNSC agenda, it should remain there. Vyshinsky should stake out a position that both American and Soviet troops withdraw simultaneously, allowing the Koreans to develop a unified government. Elected representatives from both Koreas should be invited to discussions. A time span for the troop withdrawals must be set. The draft includes some scrawled recommendations from Stalin.
October 30, 1947
V. Molotov states the importance that the Korean issue should be discussed with the Koreans. He also details that in the case the amendments are approved, the Soviet Union will not take part in the work of the US proposed committee. He also details that in the case the amendments are approved, the Soviet Union will not take part in the work of the US proposed committee.
October 29, 1947
Vyshinsky outlines the proceedings at the UN, where discussion of the Korean question and the withdrawal of Foreign troops from Korea has led the Soviets to insist that the Koreans be invited to the discussions. He details counter proposals from the Americans, and Soviet responses to these resolutions.
September 20, 1947
Molotov relates how the Americans have rejected the Soviet position toward establishing a temporary all Korean assembly. While there is some overlap between both positions, this issue has now been exacerbated by Marshall's move to decide it in the UNGA. The Soviets should respond to this move by reiterating their commitment to a self-determined form of government for Korea, which requires the Soviets and Americans to withdraw their troops.
September 12, 1947
Stalin agrees to Malik's proposal regarding the situation in Korea, which calls for the creation of an All-Korean Temporary Assembly to resolve the peninsula's issues. The Soviet representative is to insist to the Americans that such a consultative body be established.
July 21, 1990
The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 21 July 1990 describes the latest developments in Iraq, Liberia, Koreas, the Soviet Union, Romania, Bulgaria and Panama.
November 9, 1982
The note briefs the discussion between the SG, Mr. Cordovez and the ROK Ambassador Kim regarding possible approaches to foster inter-Korean relations.
March 25, 1989
In this letter, Shevardnadze, Yazov, and Kamentsev discuss the Soviet Union's obligations to provide military assistance to their treaty partners, and the differences between treaties.
June 4, 1984
During a visit to the USSR, Kim Il Sung stressed the unity of socialist countries especially in Southeast Asia. Kim mentioned that DPRK has no intention of attacking South Korea.