Eastern Europe
(372) documents
East Asia
1893- 1976
1898- 1969
1898- 1976
1900- 1975
1886- 1975
Western Europe
January 2, 1950
Mao Zedong informs the Central Committee of "an important breakthrough" in his talks with Stalin, and asks that Zhou Enlai immediately come to Moscow to conclude a new Sino-Soviet treaty.
January 19, 1950
Mao Zedong writes to Liu Shaoqi and Hu Qiaomu with comments on a newspaper article.
February 10, 1950
Mao Zedong offers instructions on how to publicize the new Sino-Soviet treaty.
January 18, 1950
Mao Zedong informs Liu Shaoqi that Zhang Wentian, not Zhang Hanfu, ought to be appointed as the PRC Ambassador to the United Nations.
February 12, 1950
Mao Zedong issues an internal party announcement on the signing of a new Sino-Soviet treaty.
January 14, 1950
Mao Zedong gives instructions to Hu Qiaomu on how to write about recent developments within the Japanese Communist Party.