Eastern Europe
(372) documents
North America
1906- 1982
1918- 1989
1923- 2014
1902- 2000
March 1968
Talking points for Soviet ambassadors to Socialist states to use in conversation with Minister of Foreign Affairs. The ambassadors are told to relay the message that adherence to the NPT is beneficial for all Socialist nations and their allies.
June 1, 1983
July 27, 1990
The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 27 July 1990 describes the latest developments in Iraq, Kuwait, Liberia, the Soviet Union, Peru, Eastern Europe, Poland, El Salvador, Sri Lanka, Philippines and Japan.
December 5, 1989
The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 5 December 1989 describes the latest developments in Philippines, East Germany, the Soviet Union, South Korea, Cambodia, Chile, Warsaw Pact, European Community, Czechoslovakia and Eastern Europe.
November 25, 1989
The CIA’s National Intelligence Daily for 25 Nov 1989 describes the latest developments in Czechoslovakia, Lebanon, East Germany, Western Europe, the Soviet Union, South Africa, El Salvador, Uruguay, India, and NATO-Warsaw Pact.
February 3, 1990
An analysis of the complete removal of Soviet troops and its potential effects on Hungarian elections.
November 2, 1989
An analysis of increased liberalization in Hungary and the country's membership to the Warsaw Pact.
August 19, 1989
An analysis of statements from Warsaw Pact countries about the 1968 Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia.
March 7, 1989
An analysis of the changing relationship between Budapest and Moscow.
March 25, 1989
In this letter, Shevardnadze, Yazov, and Kamentsev discuss the Soviet Union's obligations to provide military assistance to their treaty partners, and the differences between treaties.