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November 3, 1962

Notes of Conversation between A.I. Mikoyan and Fidel Castro

Soviet Ambassador to Cuba Alexeev reports on the conversation between Mikoyan and Fidel Castro. The Cuban leader expresses his disappointment that the Cuban leadership was not consulted on the issue of withdrawing Soviet weapons from Cuba and on the Cuban Missile Crisis in general, and emphasizes the negative impact it has had and confusion it has caused on the Cuban people.

September 5, 1977

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Ethiopia Ratanov and Mengistu

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Ethiopia Ratanov and Mengistu regarding fighting between Ethiopian and Somali forces and Ethiopia’s support of the People’s Independent Movement in Djibouti

September 10, 1977

Soviet Ambassador to Ethiopia A.P. Ratanov, Memorandum of Meeting with Mengistu

Soviet Ambassador to Ethiopia A.P. Ratanov, memorandum of meeting with Mengistu with heads of diplomatic missions for the European socialist countries regarding the "imperialist" plot on the part of the US and other countries to overthrow the Ethiopian government

September 14, 1977

Memorandum of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Ethiopia A.P. Ratanov and Ethiopian Foreign Minister Feleke Gedle-Giorgis

Ratanov and Giorgis discuss the reactions of various countries to the news of the Ethiopian Revolution. They also talk about the war going on with Somalia and various other events going on in the Horn of Africa.

September 29, 1977

Memorandum of Conversation with Ethiopian Foreign Secretary Dawit Wolde Giorgis, 17 September 1977

The memorandum concerns an Operation named Torch, which the United States was supposedly planning in order to destabilize the Ethiopian regime. It involved the arming of internal opposition groups with US weapons.

November 7, 1977

Conversation between F. Trappen and K. Brutents (excerpts)

The conversation focuses on the problems that Ethiopia is encountering with the Eritrean Liberation Movement

November 4, 1962

Memorandum of Conversation between Castro and Mikoyan

Mikoyan discusses the Soviet decision to exclude the Cubans from negotiations with the US, regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis, with Cuban leadership.

July 17, 1954

From the Journal of Molotov: Top Secret Memorandum of Conversation with Zhou Enlai and Pham Van Dong

Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav M. Molotov, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, and Vietnamese Vice-Premier Pham Van Dong discuss various topics relevant to the Geneva Convention, including the construction of foreign military bases in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, the line of demarcation between North and South Vietnam, the establishment of regrouping zones in northeast Laos, the withdrawal of foreign troops from Indochina, and the possible formation of an international supervisory commission.

November 8, 1977

CPSU CC to SED CC, Information on 30-31 October 1977 Closed Visit of Mengistu Haile Mariam to Moscow

The memo concerns the visit of Mariam to Moscow and his meeting with the Central Committee. During the meeting he described the problems facing the Ethiopian regime, primarily the war with Somalia and relations with the other countries in the Horn of Africa.

December 7, 1977

Memorandum of Conversation, East German Official with Soviet Ambassador to Ethiopia Ratanov

The memo details a conversation between Ratanov and an East German official. The talk covered the ongoing war with Somalia and the internal political situation of Ethiopia
