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1301 - 1310 of 1952


October 14, 1955

Communists’ Activities in Aleppo

Report on Communists in Aleppo's intentions to boycott France, to cut off their relations with France, and to bar members from working with France in the future.


Communist Deputies in Syria

List of Communists in the Syrian People's Council.

May 17, 1954

Pacifist Celebration in Damascus

Report on preparations for the fifth anniversary celebration of the foundation of the Pacifists in Damascus.

October 23, 1948

Syrian Document about a Palestinian Conference

Syrian document regarding a Palestinian youth conference in Amman to advocate for the formation of a Palestinian government and giving Palestinian youths the right to vote.

January 31, 1956

Egyptian Intelligence Activities in Lebanon

Report on the movement of an Egyptian intelligence agent in Beirut to investigate a network of spies and a political agreement between leaders of several countries and Lebanese army officers.

August 2, 1958

Official Mission to London

Letter to Chehab signed by Sami al-Sulh instructing him to attend a public meeting of the national police in London and report back on their daily movements.


Report about Members of the Parti Populaire

Report on the whereabouts and activities of Parti Populaire Syrien.

June 25, 1958

Canceling al-Yafi's Children's Permit

Order from the Army to cancel the permits of 'Abd Allah al-Yafi's children and send them back to Syria.

November 5, 1948

Adeeb Farzli and Zionism

Report that Adeeb al-Farzli has gone undercover to the town of Tel [Nahaas] in order to conduct surveillance on Zionists.

October 22, 1948

Syrian Document about Palestinian Personalities

List of prominent Palestinians with information on their movements and activities in Syria.
