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1501 - 1510 of 1952


July 12, 1949

French Activities in Lebanon

Report regarding the continuation of French activities in Lebanon, the Conte de Shayla, the Maronite Patriarch's visit to Beirut and instructions given to French agents in Tripoli and the Beqa'a region.

July 1, 1949

Maronite Patriarch and Husni al Za’eem

Report regarding plans for a security detail for the Maronite Patriarch during his visit to Syria, provided by Ḥusnī al-Za'īm.


Information about the Liberation Party

An informant provides information about the Islamic Liberation Party's attempt to spread to Lebanon.


Information about the Liberation Party

Short report on the Islamic Liberation Party's plan to begin operating in Lebanon.

July 12, 1949

Smuggling Jews out of Lebanon

The Journalist Informer meets with a Jewish agent to discuss the smuggling of Syrian Jews to Palestine.

July 12, 1949

The Greater Syria Project

Report on King ʻAbd Allāh of Jordan and Prince ʻAbd al-Ilāh of Iraq's trip to London to discuss the Greater Syria project.

July 9, 1949

The Circassians

A report on the movements of a Circassian from Amman in Beirut.

June 25, 1949

Jewish Activities

Report on a Jewish agent from Syria working for Israel.

March 5, 1950

Communist Declaration in Aleppo

Declaration celebrating the worker and condemning Anglo-American colonialism, published on the anniversary of the release of the Communist Manifesto.

October 11, 1957

A Communist Informer

A report on the Lebanese communist party with information on communist meetings, the newspaper, and party elections.
