Eastern Europe
(372) documents
North America
East Asia
South Asia
Middle East
1879- 1953
1893- 1976
1912- 1994
November 7, 1967
Mexican and Brazilian representatives disagree on if peaceful nuclear explosions (PNEs) are allowed by the Latin American treaty.
February 28, 1967
Discussion of the establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zones.
October 13, 1954
Malik reports he is gathering a list of countries which have recognized the new regime in Guatemala.
December 17, 1973
Report on the death of President Allende by the Chilean Armed Forces
October 3, 1973
Statement by Indian Government on President Allende's death.
September 24, 1973
Analysis of the impact of the coup in Chile.
September 17, 1975
China’s stance on Asian collective security and India-Soviet relations
April 30, 1975
China’s stance towards India and Pakistan, and a Pakistani proposal for a nuclear-free zone in South Asia
April 1, 1972
History of control of the Indian Ocean and possible status as a nuclear-free zone.
October 6, 1967
Brazil has entered cooperative agreements with many countries and is would like to work with India as well.