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March 10, 1970

Report about an Internal Consultation of the Representatives of the International Departments of the Central Committees of the CPSU, BKP, SED, MPRP, PZPR, MSZMP, and the CP Czech in Warsaw

This East German report, issued after the Interkit meeting in Warsaw, addresses the situation in China under the leadership of Mao Zedong. Among the issues discussed are the ninth congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Mao's anti-Soviet foreign policy, especially China's relations with the US and West Germany. The ninth congress of the CCP is said to have stabilized Mao's position and is seen as the founding congress of a new party. Among other topics, the delegates also discuss ways to improve anti-Maoist propaganda.

September 28, 1978

Dispatch from the Head of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (CPCz) Central Committee’s International Relations Department M. Stefanak to the Czechoslovak Embassy in Kabul

Report that Afghan politician Babrak Karmal was undergoing treatment for heart problems in Czechoslovakia.

February 1968

Information about the Situation in Korea as the USSR Ambassador in Prague c. S.V. Cervonenko relayed it to the Minister of Foreign Affairs c. V. David.

The Czechoslovak Deputy of the Minister of Foreign Affairs outlines Soviet policy towards the USS Pueblo Incident.

February 5, 1968

Information on the Situation in Korea

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia analyzes the underlying context behind and causes of the Pueblo Incident and other dangerous military engagements on the Korean Peninsula.

July 30, 1967

Telegram from Pyongyang to Bucharest, TOP SECRET, No. 76.276, July 30, 1967

I. Horjenevski and A. Lazar discuss Czech loans to North Korea and the important purges taking place in North Korea an effort to achieve the "monolithic unity" of the Korean Workers' Party.

September 1959

Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (CPCz) Politburo Resolution (with enclosures) on Arms Transfers to Cuba, September 1959

Czech government decision in late September 1959, to approve sending what was euphemistically described as “special technical supplies” or “special technology” (but in truth were weapons, specifically 50,000 submachine guns and ammunition) to Havana, using a neutral Swiss firm as a cut-out to conceal the transaction, especially from American eyes.

March 24, 1959

Resolution of the 42nd Meeting of the Czechoslovak Communist Party Politburo, Regarding Talks with Representatives of the People’s Socialist Party of Cuba

This presents evidence of Czechoslovak-Cuban relations forming in 1959, which includes the somewhat sensitive issue of Prague’s attempting to grasp the relationship and balance of power within Havana’s rulers between Fidel Castro’s “July 26th” movement and the traditional, pro-Moscow communist party, the People’s Socialist Party (PSP).

February 16, 1965

Record of a Conversation with the Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK Comrade V.P. Moskovsky

Record of a conversation with the Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK Comrade V.P. Moskovsky about the negotiations between the Soviet delegation, led by the USSR Council of Ministers Chairman Kosygin, and the governing body of the Korean Workers Party, which took place at the USSR Embassy in the DPRK on February 16, 1965.

February 13, 1965

Record of a Final Toast made by Comrade Kosygin and by Kim Il Sung during the Reception at the Soviet Embassy on February 13th, 1965

At a final toast made my Kosygin and Kim Il Sung, the two agree to sign a communique and emphasize their common mission to fight against imperialism.

October 11, 1968

Stenogram of a Session of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Moldavia

Discussion in the Moldavian Communist Party Central Committee on the effects of Romanian mass media on the Moldavian population following the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia
