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December 29, 1975

Committee for State Security Report on Anti-Soviet Propaganda and Anti-Socialist Elements

The Committee for State Security reported on statements from the French and Italian Communist party leaders being used in anti-Soviet propaganda and broadcasted on western radio stations. The use of these statements caused a debate over socialist ideology, human rights, and freedoms. The report looks at prior anti-socialist activity and results of actions in places such as Hungary and Poland. The role of the KGB and decrease in crime rate is also discussed.

March 18, 1975

Record of Conversation of Brezhnev with Leaders of Fraternal Parties of Socialist Countries

Brezhnev met with leaders of other socialist parties, such as Janos Kadar, Gierek, and Erich Honeker, in Budapest. Brezhnev discussed his health, negotiations with Britain on its role at the European Conference [Helsinki], his refusal to discuss economic relations due to internal economic problems, Gosplan, COMECON, the Middle East, and Victory Day celebrations.

April 20, 1954

Transcript, Zhou Enlai's presentation at the meeting of members of the Chinese delegation attending the Geneva Conference (excerpt), 5:00 a.m.

In his presentation Zhou Enlai is encourages fellow communist countries who are to participate in the Geneva Conference to work together and perform well on the international stage.

March 11, 1954

Telegram, Zhou Enlai to Ho Chi Minh (excerpt)

Telegram from Zhou Enlai to Ho Chi Minh encouraging him to send a delegation to attend the Geneva Conference. According to Zhou Enlai important decisions will be made in Geneva, including decision on where the boundaries will be drawn in Vietnam.

September 18, 1955

Communist Activity in Aleppo

After Khalid Bekdash's visit to Aleppo, communist meetings focus on Russian engagement and the West's malicious intentions.


Networks Acting for the Russians

The locations of Russian centers and agents conducting popular activities and their strategies for propaganda. The iems the Russian Commission is tracking are also broached, including military munition in Beirut and the Syrian Republic.

March 30, 1951

Communist Activity in Aleppo and Northern Syria

Communist organizations work to form "Peace Supporters" groups and conduct propaganda campaigns against American involvement in the region.

July 13, 1971

Preparing a Plan for a Coup in Sudan and Iraq

A detailed outline of attendees and discussions of a secret conference of Arab communist parties to plan a coup in Sudan and Iraq, including a proposed agenda for escalation.


Untitled report on an Arab Communist summit in Lebanon

Lists of communist parties at a summit in Lebanon and of their topics of discussion.

March 9, 1971

Untitled report about the Palestinian Organizations

Account of Palestinian opposition groups and their relations to the Arab, Western, and Third worlds.
