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October 21, 1954

Talking Points from Premier Zhou Enlai’s Third Meeting with Nehru

Zhou Enlai and Nehru discuss Sino-Indian relations, as well as China and India's views toward Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam, and Ceylon (Sri Lanka).

December 26, 1961

Soviet Foreign Ministry, Information on the Situation in South Vietnam

Report details the events and causes of the situation in 1961 in South Vietnam from the struggle after the Geneva Agreements to the government of Ngo Dinh Diem including the United States' involvement and underground revolutionary groups.

May 27, 1955

Draft Telegram to Hanoi Soviet Ambassador on Instructions for Meeting with Pham Van Dong

Telegram to Soviet Ambassador in Hanoi instructing to meet with Pham Van Dong and inform him of Soviet position on agreement between Democratic Republic of Vietnam and France against the United States in South Vietnam.

May 18, 1955

Draft Telegram to Hanoi Soviet Ambassador on Instructions for Meeting with Ho Chi Minh

Telegram to the Soviet Ambassador in Hanoi with instructions to meet with Ho Chi Minh about discussion between Yudin and Bibrovski. The Ambassador is to discuss the situation in South Vietnam and to ask if assistance is required.

May 25, 1956

Telegram on Record of April 1956 Conversation with Nguen Zui Chin

Record of Nguen Zui Chin's discussion with USSR Ambassador M. V. Zimyanin and Sokolov about the meeting of the IXth CC PTV Plenum, whose goal was to review resolutions of the USSR XXth CPSU Congress. The Plenum discussed a range of topics including American involvement in South Vietnam, the cult of personality and propaganda, foreign policy, the sixth five-year plan of the USSR, economic and cultural development, strengthening the Party, peoples' assemblies, and Party leadership. Chin also detailed streamlining party organizations.

April 16, 1958

Telegram to the USSR Ambassador in the DRV L. I. Sokolov

Telegram to the Ambassador in the DRV details fundamental positions of the Soviet Union regarding maintenance of peace in Vietnam, strengthening of the political and economic situation, and increasing the well-being of workers. The Embassy is also tasked with further developing not only Soviet-Vietnamese relations but also Vietnamese-Chinese and other socialist countries relations. The telegram states that the Embassy should overall strive to strengthen the influence of the Soviet Union and should additionally monitor the situation in South Vietnam for reunification.

April 14, 1958

Record of Conversation with DRV Ministry of State Security Official Tkhum

Tkhum informed Kadymov that the Ministry of State Security held deliberations where the question of Vietnamese unification sparked a debate on whether or not the country could be reunited through peaceful means. Many Southerners employed at Democratic Republic of Vietnam agencies believe that only armed means will achieve results.

July 26, 1956

CDS Report No. 11 from Choi Duk Shin to the President (Syngman Rhee)

Choi Duk Shin reports on Vietnamese trade situation, possible Korea-Vietnam trade, Vietnam-Japanese relations, Vietnamese regional trade relations, and recent social activities.

September 7, 1956

Letter No. 15 from the President (Syngman Rhee) to Minister Duk Shin Choi

President Syngman Rhee praises the Vietnamese dispatch of a naval force to the Spratly Islands, saying it is an example of "openly standing up against Red China."

October 12, 1956

CDS Report No. 19 from Choi Duk Shin to the President (Syngman Rhee)

Choi Duk Shin reports on the rapid recovery of South Korea, recent Vietnamese anti-communist and political activities, and Vietnam's invitation to General Chung Il-Kwan.
