Eastern Europe
(372) documents
East Asia
North America
1893- 1976
1879- 1953
1912- 1994
1898- 1976
1911- 1998
June 2, 1961
Li Xiannian describes the difficulties facing China in the wake of the "disaster" and its inability to meet trade obligations with other socialist countries.
March 5, 1965
The Chinese Embassy in Moscow reports on the "barbaric actions" of Soviet police, who injured and arrested students from China and Vietnam, among other countries.
September 18, 1955
After Khalid Bekdash's visit to Aleppo, communist meetings focus on Russian engagement and the West's malicious intentions.
Extensive account of Cheab's visit to Budapest, Kiev, Moscow, Leningrad, Georgia, Bucharest, Sofia, and Plovdiv.
The locations of Russian centers and agents conducting popular activities and their strategies for propaganda. The iems the Russian Commission is tracking are also broached, including military munition in Beirut and the Syrian Republic.
March 30, 1951
Communist organizations work to form "Peace Supporters" groups and conduct propaganda campaigns against American involvement in the region.
July 13, 1971
A detailed outline of attendees and discussions of a secret conference of Arab communist parties to plan a coup in Sudan and Iraq, including a proposed agenda for escalation.
Account of the major and tactical goals of the Communist Party, as well as a calendar of protests and recent modifications in strategy and objectives.
Lists of communist parties at a summit in Lebanon and of their topics of discussion.
March 9, 1971
Account of Palestinian opposition groups and their relations to the Arab, Western, and Third worlds.