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September 13, 1951

Letter from Cheddi Jagan to International Department of Czechoslovak Communist Party

Letter of introduction from Cheddi Jagan, leader of the People's Progressive Party of British Guiana. Jagan requests assistance from the Czechoslovak Communist Party.

December 2, 1960

Letter to Czechoslovak Embassy in Moscow on Moses Bhagwan of the People's Progressive Party of British Guiana

Request for consultation with the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party regarding a visit to Czechoslovakia by Moses Bhagwan, a journalist and member of the People's Progressive Party of British Guiana

November 22, 1960

Record of Meeting between Moses Bhagwan and Central Committee of the Czechoslovakian Communist Party

Record detailing a meeting with Moses Bhagwan, a journalist and member of the People's Progressive Party of British Guiana. Bhagwan was sent abroad to ask other communist parties for assistance with the upcoming election campaign of spring 1961.

July 15, 1964

Proposal to the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, 'Help to the People’s Progressive Party of British Guiana'

Proposal and resolution for Czechoslovak assistance to the People's Progressive Party of British Guiana.

April 1, 1969

Minutes of the 18th Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia on the events of March 28 and 29, 1969

The Czechoslovakia Executive Committee discusses the anti-Soviet protests of March 28-29 following the defeat of the Soviets by the Czechoslovak national team at the hockey world championships in Stockholm. Segments dealing with procedural or organizational matters and parts where the discussion repeats itself or digresses to other, unrelated issues have been omitted.

March 31, 1967

Czechoslovak Communist Party (CPCz), Intra-party Information Concerning Public Response to USSR-Czechoslovakia Match at the Ice-hockey World Championship in Vienna

Report describing the polarized public response in Czechoslovakia to the Soviet-Czech hockey match during the World Championships in Vienna. The match (which Czechoslovakia lost 2-4) involved multiple fights and when the Soviet anthem played during the final ceremony it was accompanied by deafening boos and catcalls from the audience.

November 27, 1961

Cable from the Foreign Ministry, 'Notice regarding the Appropriate Response to the Czechoslovak Premier’s Attack on Our Party'

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs weighs how to respond to Czechoslovak criticisms of Mao Zedong's cult of personality following the 20th Congress of the CPSU.

March 10, 1970

Report about an Internal Consultation of the Representatives of the International Departments of the Central Committees of the CPSU, BKP, SED, MPRP, PZPR, MSZMP, and the CP Czech in Warsaw

This East German report, issued after the Interkit meeting in Warsaw, addresses the situation in China under the leadership of Mao Zedong. Among the issues discussed are the ninth congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Mao's anti-Soviet foreign policy, especially China's relations with the US and West Germany. The ninth congress of the CCP is said to have stabilized Mao's position and is seen as the founding congress of a new party. Among other topics, the delegates also discuss ways to improve anti-Maoist propaganda.

June 3, 1971

Minutes of Conversation between Nicolae Ceausescu and Mao Zedong in Beijing on 3 June 1971

Mao Zedong and Nicolae Ceausescu discuss China's international reputation as a dogmatic dictatorship, especially among other Communist countries. They also discuss ping pong and scientific progress, specifically nuclear weapons and space exploration.

July 17, 1968

Speech by P. Shelest at the CPSU CC Plenum

First Secretary of the Ukrainian Communist Party Petro Shelest speaks at a CPSU Plenum on the situation in Czechoslovakia, characterizing the Prague Spring as "a grave, right-wing opportunist danger in a fraternal Communist party and the growth of anti-socialist, counterrevolutionary forces in socialist Czechoslovakia."
