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March 24, 1971

Letter by Federal Chancellor Brandt to the Chairman of the American Council on Germany and Chairman of the Advisory Committee to the President of the United States of America for Disarmament Issues, McCloy

Federal Chancellor Brandt's letter to McCloy on Disarmament Issues of the Cold War explains the German view of the West and their strategies for reducing the tension in the Cold War. Brandt talks about intercontinental missiles and a peaceful debate and a step-by-step improvement of the situation in Europe. Brandt also invited McCloy to the GDR for an extensive debate on considered issues.

June 8, 1982

The State of Foreign Policy

Discusses issues related to upholding Sino-Soviet relations, to maintaining an active foreign policy with socialist and capitalist countries, and touching on issues related to various socialist countries at the time.

June 19, 1962

Fifth Official Meeting Between the Delegation of the Albanian Labor Party and the Delegation of the Chinese Communist Party

Albanian leaders Hysni Kapo and Ramiz Alia meet with a Chinese delegation to discuss industrialization in Communist countries, specificallyAlbania's five-year plan. The Albanians complain about being excluded from international meetings of the socialist countries. The Chinese update the Albanians on their position of supporting Jiang Jieshi over the "Two Chinas" objective of the United States and their relations with other countries throughout Asia, while encouraging the Albanians to reach out to the Muslim nations of Africa.


Arms Freeze: Who Is For and Who Is Against

Pamphlet by the Soviet Novosti Press Agency arguing for the U.S. government to accept a mutual proposal to freeze American and Soviet nuclear arms production. Argues that this would lead to an improved political atmosphere and nuclear arms reductions in the future. Translated for publication from the Russian text, "Zamorazhivanie, kto za i kto protiv."


Civil Defence: The Cruellest Confidence Trick

Pamphlet from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament which explores the British government's civil defense plans in case of a nuclear attack, concluding that the only true defense against nuclear weapons is to make sure they no longer exist.


Disarmament: The View from Moscow. Chemical Weapons

Pamphlet published by the Soviet Novosti Press Agency on arms control of chemical weapons. The author discusses chemical weapons arsenals held by the major powers and attempts to ban them, especially through the Geneva Conference on Disarmament.


Disarmament: Who's Against?

Soviet military pamphlet discussing what it sees as the two different approaches to nuclear and conventional arms limitation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Argues that while the Soviet Union works for constructive talks, the U.S. obstructs agreements and uses propaganda rhetoric to disguise its true aggression. Translated for publication from the Russian text, "Razoruzhenie, kto protiv?"


Missile Madness: The New Weapons Systems and How They Threaten Your Life

Socialist Workers Party pamphlet arguing that the current nuclear arms threat is much more serious than in the past due to the development of new cruise missiles. It calls for people to stand up against the missiles and recognize nuclear weapons as a class issue integrated with the wider Socialist Workers Party platform.


No Cruise Missiles, No SS20's: European Nuclear Disarmament

Pamphlet from the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation arguing for the creation of a nuclear-free zone in Europe. Argues that by becoming nuclear-free Europe will prevent further proliferation and development of nuclear weapons.


Nuclear Power, Nuclear Weapons: The Deadly Connection

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament pamphlet arguing that nuclear power and weapons are inseparable and this inseparability leads to the constant violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which must be severely strengthened to avoid nuclear war.
