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October 20, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Mali, ‘Regarding the Matter of Sending a Carving Expert'

Mali asks that Chinese jewelery and carving experts come to the Malian Art Institute.

October 8, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Mali, ‘Regarding the Matter of Sending Handicraft Teachers'

The Chinese Foreign Cultural Liaison Committee reports that Chinese experts in ivory and wood carving will "not be able to be sent" to Mali in 1964.

May 14, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Mali, ‘The Matter of Sending Experts'

The Chinese Embassy in Mali reports on a request for wood carving and ivory experts to come to Mali and assist with local production.

February 18, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Mali, ‘The Two Notes Given to China by Mali'

Mali requests that China dispatch experts in wood carving, ivory carving, and jewelry making.

April 26, 1963

Cable from the Chinese General Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries et al, ‘Regarding the Question of the Experts' Rotation'

Chinese experts are instructed to remain in Mali, despite problems they are personally facing.

January 10, 1963

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Mali, ‘The Duration of Employment for the Agricultural Experts Aiding Malii’

The Chinese Embassy in Mali reports on the "ideological" preparedness of Chinese experts to stay in Mali and assist with development projects.

July 25, 1963

Work Summary for Training Malinese Agricultural Technical Personnel related to Tea

A report on Chinese training of Malian experts in the tea industry.

July 25, 1963

Cable from the Commercial Attaché, Chinese Embassy in Mali, to the General Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries

A coversheet for several reports on Chinese economic assistance to Mali.

May 21, 1962

Cable from the General Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries to the Chinese Embassy in Mali, ‘Regarding the Exchange of Notes on the Conditions of the Experts’ Work'

The General Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries wants to ensure that the Chinese agricultural experts sent to Mali will be treated and cared for by the Malian government.

April 28, 1962

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Mali to the General Bureau for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries, ‘Regarding the Exchange of Notes for the Chinese Agricultural Experts Going to Mali’

The Chinese Embassy in Mali amends some of the specific terms for the dispatching of Chinese agricultural experts to Mali.
