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August 20, 1954

Letter, Syngman Rhee to General James A. Van Fleet

Syngman Rhee writes to General James A. Van Fleet to express his dissatisfaction with the United States' defense committment to South Korea and the rest of the free world. After describing his own "plan for military action" on the Korean Peninsula, Rhee also touches on South Korea's delicate relationship with Japan.

October 5, 1950

Letter, Cde. Filippov [Stalin] for Mao Zedong

Stalin describes the US inability to engage in a "big war" and encourages Kim in his fight against the US. He also discusses the domestic situation in China.

March 12, 1947

Truman Doctrine, 'Recommendations for Assistance to Greece and Turkey'

Truman's speech to Congress in which he laid the foundations of the Truman Doctrine by stating that the United States would support Greece and Turkey in order to prevent them from under the sway of the Soviet Union. This speech is often cited as the beginning of the Cold War, and US containment policy.

March 15, 1958

Journal of Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 15 March 1958

Nam Il informs Puzanov that DPRK seeks to further strengthen ties with other socialist states and establish relations with the some non-socialist states including UAE, Indonesia, Ceylon, India, Burma, and Japan.

February 28, 1953

Report No. 1 of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of Poland In the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for the Period of 1 January 1953 to 28 February 1953

A wide range of topics are addressed, including the basic guidelines of the 5th Plenum of the KWP CC, education, espionage, culture, transportation, agriculture and the economic situation in ROK.

October 14, 1959

From the Journal of Ambassador S.F. Antonov, Summary of a Conversation with the Chairman of the CC CPC Mao Zedong

October 1959 conversation between Mao Zedong and the Soviet diplomat and sinologist S.F. Antonov, in which Mao attempted to reassure the Soviets that China would not provoke war with the United States or with its Asian neighbors. In his conversation with Antonov, Mao attempts to lessen the impact of China’s displeasure with Soviet policies. He tries hard to show his agreement with Moscow on every issue—the United States, Taiwan, India, Tibet, disarmament.


Eldridge Cleaver Notebooks, 1970

Eldridge Cleaver's handwritten notes from his travels to North Korea in 1970 for the "U.S. People's Anti-Imperialist Delegation."

November 22, 1958

Record of Conversation from the Premier's Reception of the Korean Government Delegation

Zhou Enlai and Kim Il Sung discuss the economic situation, electricity production, agricultural production, cooperativization, and the military in North Korea, as well as the withdrawal of the Chinese People's Army from the DPRK. Zhou and Kim also touched on issues relating to U.S.-Japan relations, inter-Korean relations, Chinese development, the Great Leap Forward, U.S. global strategy, Korean nationals in Japan, and Taiwan.

February 5, 1949

Memorandum of Conversation between Anastas Mikoyan and Mao Zedong

Anastas Mikoyan and Mao Zedong discuss the role of foreign capital in China, Chinese intelligentsia, the role of criticism and self-criticism in the CCP, CCP tasks in the army, the level of China's industrial development, the Chinese attitude toward foreign property, and the road and character of the Chinese revolution. (Day)

October 25, 1950

Central Committee Politburo decision with approved directives to Foreign Minister Vyshinsky (at the United Nations in New York) and to Soviet Ambassador in Washington

Memorandum from the VKP(b) CC to Vyshinksy and the Soviet Representative to the Far Eastern Commission ordering them to protest to their respective bodies in support of the DPRK, the use by the US of Japanese servicemen and military units in combat against DPRK forces.
