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November 1957

Friendship and Solidarity Among Socialist Countries

Kim Il Sung's article, originally published in Mezhdunarodnaya Zhizn, thanks the Soviet Union and China for assisting North Korea while deriding American foreign policy.

November 2, 1956

Record of Conversation from Premier Zhou’s receiving of the Hungarian Ambassador to China Ágoston Szkladán on his Farewell Visit

Zhou Enlai and Hungarian Ambassador to China Ágoston Szkladán discuss the ongoing Hungarian Revolution, and Szkladán asks for economic assistance from the other Communist countries for this issue.

September 15, 1959

Mikihail Zimyanin's Background Report for Khrushchev on China (Excerpt)

Mikhail Zimyanin, head of the Soviet Foreign Ministry’s Far Eastern department, reports to Khrushchev on the “new stage” in Sino-Soviet relations after the victory of the people’s revolution in China; China and the Soviet Union now share the common goal of developing socialist societies in their respective countries.

December 12, 1963

Memorandum of Conversation, Vladimir Koucky, Secretary of Czechoslovak Communist Party (CPCz) Central Committee, and Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, Head of Cuba’s National Institute of Agrarian Reform (INRA), Prague

The memorandum includes topics discussed between CPCz Secretary Vladimír Koucký and Cuban government official Carlos Rafael Rodríguez. Rodríguez lists points of misunderstanding between Cuba and other socialist countries. Discussion topics include Chinese publications in Cuba, Cuba's unique approach to socialist revolution, the proposed nuclear-free zone in Latin America, and building socialism under various conditions (e.g. Islam's role in Algeria), among others. Rodríguez encourages more communication among socialist nations to prevent misunderstanding.

July 18, 1960

Letter, Khrushchev to the Central Committee of The Socialist Unity Party of Germany, regarding Soviet Specialists in China

Khruschev reports Chinese dissatisfaction with Soviet specialists that had been placed in China to aid in socialist economic, cultural, and military development. He notes that despite the dissatisfaction, the CCP insists that they remain in China. However, due to recent complaints by the specialists about being propagandized by the Chinese against the CPSU, the Soviet government has decided to withdraw the specialists from China.

January 3, 1968

Information Report Sent by Károly Fendler to Deputy Foreign Minister Erdélyi, 'Vietnamese and Romanian Views about the Korean-Chinese Trade Relations and the Situation of the DPRK'

A report on a military and economic assistance agreement between North Korea and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, trade between North Korea and China, and the poor economic situation of North Korea.

March 3, 1964

Conversations between Delegations of the Romanian Workers Party and the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing, 3-10 March 1964 (excerpts)

Ion Gheorghe Maurer and Nicolae Ceauşescu of Romania meet with Liu Shaoq, Deng Xiaoping, and other Chinese Communist officials. The Romanians discuss the Sino-Soviet Split, the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, and the organizing structure of the Warsaw Pact. Maurer expresses frustration with the Soviet Union, referencing the Cuban Missile Crisis and similar "circumstances in which decisions were taken unilaterally, expressing only the Soviet point of view."

December 26, 1965

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in North Korea to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Trade

An exchange of views between Kim Il Sung and Li Xiannian on Chinese technical assistance to North Korea, U.S. imperialism, economic situation in North Korea, and China-North Korea friendly foreign realtions.

December 11, 1965

Cable from Li Qiang to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

A report on Li Qiang’s discussion with Ri Ju-yeon on industrial production and bilateral trade issues between China and North Korea. They also discussed about the quality of North Korean productions and the exchange of North Korean personnel in a Chinese vinylon factory.

October 29, 1965

Record of Conversation between Kim Il Sung and the Chinese Delegation

Premier Kim Il Sung met with members of the Chinese People’s Delegation and exchanged his views on Chinese assistance in Korean War, consturction and war prepartions of North Korea, US imperalism on Japan and South Korea, international communist movement, situation in Indonesia, and North Korea's recent economic situation.
